BLM/Biden supporters attack Trump supporters at the Trump rally in DC

:rofl: You don’ know me like dat!

I will say that was more honesty than I expected. You’re all right when you’re trapped.

Mmmm. I could almost agree with that.

@PurpnGold do you feel the media disproportionately reports on violence by black perpetrators?

If so, why? Racism?

Soccer fans are peaceful because they don’t riot until they leave the stadium…


Is this report racist? Was it racist to include the mugshot?

Is this guy a thug?

He said the boy was with McKnight, of Winter Haven, last week when deputies say McKnight burglarized three unoccupied dwellings, stole a car and made off with a package stolen from a porch.The alleged crimes all took place in the City of Lake Wales.

The affidavit quotes deputies as saying they clocked McKnight going 120 mph and that only after they caught up with him did they discover he was with a child.

The reason I ask:

I had to come back to this.


Anytime you want to have a moderated debate on this topic, just holla.

Factually, I don’t know if they do

My feeling, yes they do.

Media is driven by the desires of the audience. They are profit driven. If driving division through bigotry and racism makes them more money… then they will do it. However that also says a lot about the audience. The audience isn’t profit motivated.

Why is this deserving of national news is my first question?

Interesting. I generally agree with some of it. I agree the media is profit driven. I agree the media will report the outrageous stuff quicker. If they have to choose between two stories, they will choose the one that they think will generate the most offense.

I think the lack of a clear profit motive for the perpetrator generates more outrage. Taking a 8 year-old on a crime spree or random violence like Moranis for example. Or several attacking one or a few.

You feel they disproportionately report on perpetrators of color.

Could there be another reason? Could it be they are reporting incidents and the perpetrators are disproportionately of color?

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8 year-old boy involved.
Multiple crimes
120 MPH chase

We click when children are involved. It was reported in the international press.

Do you feel it was because the perpetrator is black?

I might be wrong but my observation is the media downplays acts of violence by people of color. All one has to do is get online and look at all the flood of videos of people getting the ■■■■ beat out of them that handily made the news during the peaceful rioting.

I say I might be wrong because maybe they did it because they didn’t want to give Trump any ammunition. And maybe they will report differently under Biden we’ll see but it seems especially inner-city violence doesn’t get covered nowhere near than if a police shoots someone or there’s some school shooter that’s like crack to the media.

In some outlets that may be true. I don’t think it is in general.

Does anyone think that democrats can for four years, physically attack us, label us as Nazi’s, fascists, racists, sexists, homophobes and were supposed for forgive and give them a big ole hug now? They need to try harder. So far, they have not tried at all. :face_vomiting:

National news, yes. But it’s a feeling. I would love to have a research project out together to show if it is disproportionately leaning towards black people.

Hell there may be one already and I’ve missed it

It definitely could. That is why I keep saying, for me right now, it is a feeling.

I’m strictly talking about major national news. Not local stuff. Not over bias like huff post or Briebart.

Maybe on Huff Post it is downplayed and Briebart it is overplayed.

But major national news? I don’t think so.

Haven’t the one percenter’s been a moving target?

Now we have what? ‘Seven percent’ doing millions in damage?

Breitbart is providing video so people can decide for themselves about these liberal lunatics.

I know right! Get us a grant!

I think you’re having a hard time looking at your own culture. It’s hard.

I think most thuggery shows up on local news.