Black-nationalist terrorism?

Historically and right now this doesn’t come close to white-nationalistic terrorism which has been ongoing since the Hayes compromise. We saw shortly afterwards an overthrow of government in which these people ended up having free reign to terrorized law abiding African Americans including quite of few who either held public office or citizens wanting to vote. After reconstruction it was a blood bath and it has been an ongoing problem ever since. So should there be a concern in regards to a few so-called black nationalist…maybe, however this is isolated case and not a systemic problem. I think before asking a question like, “Do you see black-nationalist terrorism as a growing problem”, how about we as a country reconciled and solve the systemic problem of white nationalistic terrorism that has impacted black people for over a 150 years.

For the record, the Black Hebrew Israelite’s are bunch of nut jobs who butchers the word of God to justify bad behavior(sounds familiar). Hell, those of us in the black community who actually know about these clowns don’t deal with them.

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Yes it is.

And kill cops.

The FBI disagrees with you

:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: GOOD!

Actually the attack against the kosher market appears to be a sad escalation in anti-Semitic crimes that have been plaguing the New York City area. The crimes have received relatively little attention from the national media apparently because they have no connection to white nationalists. Here is a recent report:

Molinari said 52 percent of the reported hate crimes, or 163, have targeted Jews. Over the same period last year, the NYPD reported 108 anti-Semitic hate crimes. . . "For the most part I’m dealing with 311 random individuals of very diverse backgrounds committing these hate crimes against different people . . . The national narrative is not the narrative we see here in New York City,” Molinari said.” There aren’t roving bands of white supremacists, from khakis and tiki torches to hood-wearing people.”

I wonder if there are any of these types in the BLM movement. I’m not making an accusation, just wondering. Since both groups hate cops. And BLM has called for the murder of police.

BTW. Has anybody from the Black Hebrew Israelites condemned this attack yet?

The Black Hebrew Israelites aren’t the sort of group to that holds press conferences.

Did any neo-nazi groups condemn the murder in Charlottesville?

what is there to condemn they don’t care, have you ever listen to one of their preachers they straight up insane there isn’t a rational thinking among them.

Everyone hates the Jews, I don’t know why but pretty much every wacko group hates them.

personal I love them good food, gotta find me a nice Jewish lady.

No because they were okay with it. That’s why we call them Nazis. I’m guessing that the BHI is okay with what happened in Jersey as well.

I’m sure they are fine with it.

Are you expecting anyone to defend them?

There are two branches of BHI the crazy ones in America who straight up hate the Jews, and the ones in Israeli who don’t.

The core teaching of American BHI is that the Jews stole their culture and sold them into slavery.

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Would it be accurate to refer to the crazy ones as black supremacists?

I don’t know much about the BHI movement in Israel, I only know the crazy ones who scream at passersby on street corners.

Absolutely. Explicitly so.

Holy crap! We’ve agreed twice. Stand by, the apocalypse is on the way! :dizzy_face:

The BHI guys would agree with you, too. They’re not shy about making their views known.

Yes they very much hate everyone who isn’t black.