Black lives. Which is the biggest tragedy?


And the Opiod epidemic??? Are we just gonna let that slide or??? :thinking:

What do you want me to say about it? I ain’t voting for Trump.

The people arresting and interning Uyghurs in China right now are predominantly Uyghur police officers collaborating with the state.

We Know. You are voting for the candidate supported by China.

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Someone doesn’t pay attention to the boards and posting history much.

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What does Trump have to do with taking care of the White community? This thread was posed irrespective of the President

How could an organization such as LAPD who is led by minorities and has a 70 percent minority employment be racist? Anybody want to tackle that one?

I dont care for this thread. It’s a simplistic distillation of a complex issue. I certainly won’t pick any of the choices. Same with the opioid crisis.

How could an organization such as LAPD who is led by minorities and has a 70 percent minority employment be racist? Anybody want to tackle that one?

Why is this your response to my response to your sloppy charge?

none of the above.
The number 1 issue is the democrats.

The Democrats have targeted black people and turned them into victims while providing token mitigations for their problems. The democrats do not want black people to do well. See how they treat those who break away and become independent thinkers like Justice Thomas. The Democrats have stripped the inner city black man of his self worth by treating him and his family as zoo animals who need fed and sheltered by them… the caretakers. They have addicted the poor black people to the free things so that they cannot kick the habit… generation after generation. The line that LBJ uttered seems to be ignored or forgotten. I cant repeat it here.

Because “systemic racism” does not require an evil actor nor does it require cognizant participation.

Number 4 is the biggest issue as so many others stem from it.

I was not offering a retort. Instead I chose to get back to the topic.

How could an organization such as LAPD who is led by minorities and has a 70 percent minority employment be racist? Anybody want to tackle that one?

Yeah, I wouldn’t want to back up a sloppy accusation either. Maybe next time dont make it?

What does it require? Especially a government system.

So minorities running the system are responsible for the systemic racism? If not them who? Nobody? Some guy named Fred? Who owns it? Somebody has to.

How could an organization such as LAPD who is led by minorities and has a 70 percent minority employment be racist? Anybody want to tackle that one?

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It requires structures, in the sense that Foucault spoke: multi-factional concentrations of power that reflect upon an object. For same event: police may blame crime, professors blame oppression, public health officials blame lead poisoning and nutrition, and the church blames the devil.

He describes this phenomena while describing the modern incarnation of sexual taboo - reproduction of the population and their private activities became a keen interest to the state because of markets/international competition; thus, of the new deviant classes, the church saw sin, psychiatry saw mental illness, medicine saw disease (doctors believed the symptoms of anemia in young women was caused by, and evidence of promiscuity), schoolmasters prescribed strict boarding schools etc so and so forth.

That is the foundation of systems/structures in modern society. These structures obviously transcend individual identity; hence, how Uyghurs can function as police to arrest “criminals” and aid the state in the ethnic cleansing of their own people.

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