Black lives. Which is the biggest tragedy?

What the hell?

Of course there is a structure, that’s what a system is.

What does it take for the racism to be systemic?

Minorities can definitely play a role. Again, there’s a litany of reading on this subject.

“Human rights violations are not accidents; they are not random in distribution or effect. Rights violations are, rather, symptoms of deeper pathologies of power and are linked intimately to the social conditions that so often determine who will suffer abuse and who will be shielded from harm”

From the book I’m going to recommend for everyone to read:
― Paul Farmer, Pathologies of Power: Health, Human Rights and the New War on the Poor
From what I remember, the text covers the decades long blockade of Haiti that created the conditions we see today, and the subsequent replication of these conditions.

A deliberate beginning and continuity. Hence, discrimination of a black man occurs in America and persist due to unique structures and their legacy, but in Japan he/she may be regarded as a gaijin and experience discrimination just like any foreigner of any race, due to the policy of seclusion by the Tokugawa shogunate hundreds of years earlier.

Yet the greatest human rights violations in history have been committed by governments you hold up as superior to our own.

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No. Continuity is a result, not a trait.

There is no continuity in this case. Not in the system.

There is are 3 basic pillars of systems.

I don’t find it strange that the legacy of the princes, boyars and Oprichnik would be General Secretaries, powerful officials and the KGB.

Explain China, N. Korea, N. Vietnam, Cuba, and Venezuela then.

It’s not bat ■■■■■ Systemic racism is why blacks on average are poorer, live in ■■■■■■■■ neighborhoods, have worse schools, and have a higher rate of going to prison… factors that all lead to less fathers and more murders.

There absolutely is continuity in ideas, bias and structures that resemble them. Slavery, convict leasing and the current over-representation of black people in prison are absolutely related and continuous in nature.

That is not systemic. It’s also not entirely true. Convict leasing was never restricted to black convicts for example. Nor are they over-represented.

Slavery was systemic. Jim Crow was systemic.

3 pillars to every system.

No, those are all due to the choices made primarily by black women who keep making babies with men they know aren’t going to be around.

Blacks are in in prison commensurate with the rate at which they commit crimes, not because of supposed “systemic racism”.

It’s damned hard to end up in prison unless you commit a serious felony.

Enemies of the state in China could be put to death by being boiled alive. There were frequent famines and mass killings due to brutal civil war and repression throughout Chinese history.

North Korea’s practice of executing entire families is a continuation of the practice from the kingdom of Goryeo. It’s veneration of the Kim family reflects the divinity ascribed to the royal family. They are above reproach.

The Venezuelan government literally call themselves the Bolivarian revolution.

And so on, and so forth. “History repeats itself” is not that mysterious.

Statistics would say the order would be

  1. The absence of black fathers.
  2. Black gun violence (two three year old black children were shot and killed this weekend). 95% of black deaths are committed by other blacks that is a big number that can’t just be whistled away as if nothing to see here.

Police brutality would be way down the list, it is and issue, and needs to be addressed, but no were close to what effects the community more than #1 and #2 above. Gang culture would be up the list. The SJW’s want to ban Mary Poppins but drill rap about gangs and killing people is ok.

I don’t believe in systemic racism if we had it Asians wouldn’t be the top money makers, above whites.

I think white liberals make the problem worse many of us on the right appreciate some of the culture of African Americans as well as have friends and even family who are black. Two of my cousins are married to black men and they are super nice and everyone get along just fine.

Whether it’s food or music I love the African American influence on both, yet it seems the left wants to continue the divide. I don’t blame black people at this point other than the ones looting or committing violent acts, I blame the white knights progressives more.for the constant message of division whIle they live away from the diversity themselves.

Yet these are the countries and governments you hold up as superior to our own… .

White Supremacy is:

  • Creating transient family structures lives are bought, sold, split apart, and “mated”
  • Destroying independent black communities, redlining and block busting potential successors
  • Outsourcing jobs to “third” world concert countries, creating a vacuum in locales wholly dependent on the trade
  • Creating government programs that incentivize black women to leave their husband, lest they lose their “benefits”
  • Importing drugs from lands these communities have never seen with their own eyes, enticing them for resources by any means to keep their family together, only to punish them for possession

And yet… the question is still pompously posed…

wHeRe ArE the BlAcK fAtHeRs :woozy_face:

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That isn’t required for it to be systemic racism. Petty crimes, such as refusing to work for a white man, committed by blacks were punishable by forced labor, thanks to the black codes. Perhaps you would file that under Jim Crow.

The practice ended in Florida only when stories of white men being tortured by prison guards and disposed of in unmarked graves reached Northern newspapers.

They absolutely are over-represented.

Great post! Bravo! BRAVO! :clap::clap::clap:

Until The Democrats came up with the welfare system beginning in 65 there was nothing stronger than the black family in the US.

As long as there was a healthy, working age male in the home it was almost impossible for a family to get welfare.

Whites for the most part had never seen the drugs that were imported to the US either, it isn’t a “black thing”.

You just contradicted yourself.

No they are not.

I’ll rephrase: What is required for any issue to be a systemic issue?