BLACK LIVES MATTER: USAToday finds Russian ad buys sought to stoke racial tensions in US

Hillary lost bro, get over it.


The good guys from Charlottesville, for example.

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It’s par for the course the Dubya admin didn’t happen either

She’s still out there … scaring you with tales about the GOP taking medicine from children. She lost the American election for president. But she a leader in your shadow government.

It seems that the “good guys” that support BLM go there. And then they come here are report what they’ve seen.

I am not sure how much we could gain from such information. For a few months I played a phone based war game against hundreds of others from around the world. The Cali. company had outsourced so much to China a suspicious mind would thougt the game, the advertisers and every about it was a Chinese plot.


I don’t think much is organically outsourced to Macedonia tho., so if that is where Donald Trump on Facebook ads trace back to I’d definitely say “Huh?”

She is not the leader of anything besides maybe a book club. You guys seriously need a new boogeyman

She’s still living rent free in your head bro. Let it go, It will be liberating for you.

She’s dividing and dividing.

Check out @HillaryClinton’s Tweet:

^ See what I mean

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It is amazing what BPWA can effect. Who knew?

(Being POTUS while Black)

Cool story bro.

So it wasn’t slavery and Jim Crow and redlining after all, it was the ■■■■■■■ Russians!

I know. It’s tough for us. You guys got the Koch Bros., Rupert Murdoch, big pharma, insurance companies, one percenters, rural people, tv preachers etc etc. You guys got all the boogeyman.

No one left for us to hate except Muslims illegals and Hillary. Harumph.

And Soros, the MSM, Hollywood, Silicon Valley, minorities, law enforcement/deep state, wedding cakes, the environment and the poor.

i thought you liked Clinton?

He’s blind in his left eye.

Are you asserting those entities don’t deserve to be treated with scorn?

Are you asserting dems don’t take money from them?

Russian simply pushed a button that was already there.