BLACK LIVES MATTER: USAToday finds Russian ad buys sought to stoke racial tensions in US

Racial tension will always be an issue in America, Russian propaganda and more so the internet and social media has allowed it to become mainstream.

Its easier to attend a klan rally if you never have to leave your computer room.

They are doing it here in Canada as well, it not like they were trying to elected Trump its more they are trying to create infighting so America is less forced on Russian geopolitical action.

Iv seen a large amount of anti-immigrate ad popping up since the Ontario election started.

Absolutely not. It was just weird that he listed those as being right-winged boogeymen. I was under the assumption those groups want to screw us both the same.


Hillary and the left targeting them is just the plural form of Donald Trump attacking Amazon. Whomever it was who targeted Las Vegas conventions etc…

Difference being Hillary, Sanders etc. are obsessed with the tactic, that and throwing money or regulations at problems.

And there we have it. Big Pharma is being unfairly treated by the left

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Ever had a boss who never did your job?

Poor old Martin Shkreli. It’s a shame how the left destroyed the life ofd such an upstanding human being.

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Ok. Just checking.

Please stop.

if it’s divisiveness they want, they should have hired the people who made this progressive liberal ad.

What the hell?

Targeting them to get votes.

Whether evil American pharma goes the way of evil American steel, evil American textiles and evil American coal and evil American textiles and evil American cars and evil American papermills has yet to be seen.

What you don’t seem to get is that it is a tactic. Politicians have been using it for millenia ever since Julius Ceasar targeted those evil merchants and gave away a bread ration at least.

They used to teach this stuff in college.

As time passes the target is changed but those who rely on the politics of discontent (unavoidable) will constantly hold out one pinata after another.
(insert comparison to blindfolded kids being spun around and handed a stick.)

Remember Jimmy Carter? He could have targeted big oil. He could have sided with the Palestinians or the Israelis. But did he?

Hmm I wonder why a decent widely-admired Southern Christian gentleman would behave the way he did?

Ever heard of the McCarthy era?

I suspect you are (only) pretending to be stupid right now, but if you’re not seeing it you never will.

That’s the whole point. Many were painted that way by the media and obviously you blindly bought into it. Now take the hook out of your mouth and realize that many of us, myself included, do not want historical artifacts destroyed because a handful of insecure, snowflakes want it so. Grow up.

Obama was a true disciple of Alinsky and division in every way possible was among Alinsky teaching.

Obama carried it to an art form.

Russian shepherd?

Saw it this morning. A real piece of work.

The Soviets took active measures directly targeting the civil rights movement and MLK.

They weren’t successful, but the effort was made. This isn’t new.

So what? Seriously.

Because this time they’ve found an angle this is paying off.

You’ve seen what social media can do to some of these kids just in a passive way. Now imagine active measures from foreign powers in the mix.