Black BLM Activist Murders White Cop


Amazing rationalization.

That wasn’t racist, ignorant but not racist. That’s not what I was referring to. And no I am not going to list for the 500th time on this board what his racist statement were. But hey his own family knows he racist, so who better to confirm. Right?

Yes, to cons the only way something is racist is if it include the N word. And even then there is always the spin even with that word.

100% valid if you subscribe to Trump being racist (which is own family does).

There were no good people where the rioters were at. If they were there than they were as bad as the rioters if they did not leave. That seems to be what the left says.

The leftist were singing a different tune not to long ago.
I seem to remember Trump condemned the white supremist at Charlottesville. But because he also said there were some good people among the anitfa thugs and white supremist thugs he was held to an unobtainable standard by the left to try and discredit him.
At least he came out spoke.
BML has remained silent.
Must be because they don’t condemned this man actions but agree with them.

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I subscribe to BLM being racist.

His own family?

What if I believe BML is run by a bunch of racist who don’t want social justice they just want more power?
Because from what I have witnessed BML are not peaceful and they are racist and they really don’t care about black lives.

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Yeah that should do wonders for her book sales.

The one member who’s hawking a tell-all book.

Mucho credibility.


Then you would have to prove that BLM is racist.

If you can’t believe family, who should you believe. :rofl:

Is she lying?

And you believe everything people say or write? BLM is nothing but a political organization and politics is the most dishonest game going. BLM is looking to get their piece of the gravy train many of these liberal politicians have been riding.

Why don’t you prove “their” not. BLM is not just one person. How do you go about proving that every individual in BLM (or anyone for that matter) is not a racist?

It’s in the name. Like “Boy” Scouts is for boys.

First you gotta FOLLOW THE MONEY. You might be surprised!

BLM has nothing to do with the Black Community.

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Why not? Have they (BLM) been shown to be liars?

Huh? Prove someone is not racist? I assume people aren’t, until they show me otherwise.

Cons have zero clue what is or isn’t racist. :rofl:

Only black people are allowed to be a BLM member or supporter?