Black BLM Activist Murders White Cop

I am a liberal and woke.

No, only black lives matter. That’s racist.

Welcome to my world…

Their name is a lie. At face value the name implies that it is an organization that is concerned about all black lives. Upon further examination though you find out what they only care about is the roughly 0.25% of black lost unjustly any given year.

Is their slogan “Only Black Lives Matter”?

Well you should read their mission statement. They definitely care about the black community

It’s not all lives matter, that could get me shot.

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No it won’t. Saying the N word then saying all live matter can get you shot.

Last words said. Even worse, it might get my moll shot.

Not everyone feels that way. Furthermore, I could give a flying rats ass about their mission statement, because I see what’s actually going on:

“Everyone talks about Black Lives Matter. What about baby lives? What about teenager lives?” she said.

Look I’m not going to keep going back and forth on this organization, I don’t see any middle ground here. I’ll say it one more time, as far as I’m concerned they are nothing but a left wing political organization and as far as I’m concerned politics is all about that power and privilege (and money) that comes with those positions of power. If you want to believe differently then go right ahead.

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Typical con response. Make up your own negative narrative about an civil rights organization even if that organizations words and actions say otherwise.

Always trying to tell black people how to act, when to act, where to act when it comes to activism. Sounds familiar, hmm. Whether it’s the civil rights movement of 1960’s or 2000’s, the reaction from the right is still the same.

You aren’t fooling anyone by stating “if they had only done this thing that I want, I would respect them, even though I am NOT contributing to any of their causes”


Why would they respond?

Because @Thinkingman declared him a BLM activist?

Seems so.

Since that’s the way things are, I guess I speak for all Trumpists now:

Apparently while Washington did fire his gun the actual bullet that hit and killed Shoop was from his partner’s gun.
[CNN: Fatal shot that killed Washington police officer was from his partner.]

Floyd’s murderer and his accomplices were fired immediately when the chain of command reviewed the video, arrested charged almost immediately once his cause of death was determined.

The justice system has been working as designed since his death.

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Well since you’ve never supported anything Trump has done since he declared his run for office we all know that isn’t true.

This guy however was every bit the BLM supporter all along.

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You know this how? Links?

Racially insensitive? Yes.



Trump may be the least racially aware/sensitive person in the country but that in no way makes him a racist.

One person in his family who doesn’t like him but chose to enrich herself at his expense because of his success.

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He has always been “successful”, so his current “success” is nothing new.

Are you saying she is lying?

just another sad chapter in the war on cops

So it’s okay that the cop murdered him?