Black BLM Activist Murders White Cop

thats actually good reasoning

it doesnt work for the left tho

and the media is silent. or damn near

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On second thought that might be too much. The perp was caught and justice will be served–unlike many situations with BLM’s mission scope. There’s nothing for BLM to say here.

Not just da\Dallas…all police officers.


People…put your feelings away! The mainstream media doesn’t give a rat’s ass about this and will not give this much air time or exposure. It doesn’t fit the liberal narrartive. Now let’s get back to the angel George Floyd and light our hair, along with buildings…k?

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There’s a problem with BLM. A few actually. First the name lends itself to scrutiny (‘how about Chicago dead?’) and that leads to constant explaining. Second they don’t separate themselves enough from antifa which they could do with better messaging and yes an occasional denouncement would help. Third is back to naming because defund police is not a great slogan. Then there’s blocking traffic which won’t make any new friends. Many from the college attend from very peaceful BLM events, so I understand they’re not violent at their core but messaging is not going well IMO.


Do you think people will make videos judging the life of this slain cop? So we can know whether or not this cop was a good enough person for the public to be outraged by his death?

Where’s Candace? Is she on the case?

Of course not…
Neither does debt or deficit, …but they work for the Right biggly…

I’ll have to investigate whether or not he put a gun to a pregnant woman’s stomach to see if he had George’s worthiness of such lib outrage? Nope…he didn’t. Move along.

Was this ■■■■■■■ paid by our taxes to serve and protect and then found himself able to kill the very people who paid him without repercussions?

Or is he currently under arrest for murder?

Again, not a gotcha moment. You’re still missing the point.

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There is zero evidence that the woman was pregnant, just to be clear. You guys keep pushing that narrative.

Not at all justifying an armed robbery, but let’s make sure our story is real.

Now BLM is attacking the NYC Chief of police.

Attacks all across the US.

BLM in action. Be proud.

He was using the BLM brand logo.

So what? I had one too. So did my wife… so if I go out and loot, that automatically means I did it on behalf of BLM?

Ummmm … kinda. Why not? MAGA hats supposedly have the same power to associate crime with Trump. That’s why Jussie Smellit said his attackers wore MAGA hats.

Did I get that wrong?



Ah MAGA hats… ok.

This is why MAGA hats aren’t the same as BLM shirts or Facebook profile overlays.

Trump is racist… period. He says/said racist things on video. Trump IS MAGA. So where I MAGA hat means you support Trump. You support him and his racist persona. It’s a package deal even if you only want his policies. (By the way, I am not saying that you are racist if you support Trump, however you are supporting a racist)

Now let’s look at BLM. They have a mission statement that says they stand for peaceful protesting. Various BLM leaders have stated on video that they don’t believe violence is the answer. If I wear a BLM tshirt, that means I support the movement. Just like where a MAGA hat.

One movement is voiced by a racist narcissist.
The other is voiced by a collective of leaders who want social justice and who want it through positive change.

Not “this”. See my reply.

Shut their website down, it contains the link for contributions. Oh they claim it’s”for Democrat candidates”.
Mmff mmff

You still stewing over “my African American” that he said in 2016?

I’ve heard nothing racist from him at all… wait … I forgot…EVERYTHING is racist to you© so… which of the 1 million racist things that he said bothers you the most?

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