Black armed security guard killed by police while

My major gripe with all these clowns on YouTube that claim the bullet tumbles and yaws is:

None of them show you how far the round has penetrated before it starts doing that. The one website linked above claims 4”. But I have yet to see that bore out in any actual test. Quite the contrary.

Most slow motion videos show the bullet starting to yaw at about the 10” mark on average.

This is the point where the yappers chime in claiming “see you admit the bullets tumble”…but befor you do answer me this:

How thick is the human body front to back on average?

Interesting. I think we may be talking about two different things.

All this reminds me of the stories I used to hear from the “I heard that…” type folks. I remember one in particular that apparently finds its roots in “a guy I know that was in Nam” who told of a fact that is you shoot someone in the knee with an M16, the bullet will come out of his head…cause it tumbles and ■■■■■ At that time, I think I ranked that bit of information as less believable than the “there is a secret unit in the USMC that no one knows about that carries out assassinations for the president” claim…which I still think is a bit more believable.

Yeah. I actually heard a variation of that same story when I was in the infantry.

And a guy that owns, operates a Firearm Training and Safety School that trains both civilians and professionals who has trained thousands in the use of firearms doesn’t use firearms in his profession? :rofl:

That is a seriously weird take on that man.

I kinda miss those old sorted tales of what “a guy I know…” did. Well, at least the dirty ones.

So like, the doctor that goes in and actually tries to fix wounds from different guns and bullets would have greater knowledge about the wounds they cause than a guy that just shoots bullets from different guns!

Now that is an excellent opinion tguns! And your buddies seem to be on board with the whole profession thing too. Usually they say they know more than the doctors who treat the wounds more often.

Thats nice, I’m sure he seems like a veritable fountain of unquenchable knowledge to you.

Sure dear, if that’s what you want to believe, you just go right on believing it.

I heard that a lot. Two other favorites:

  1. The bullet rises. I talked to the guy who drew the picture in the manual.

  2. It was designed to wound not kill.

Hmmm… Funny that the expert in this article on high-velocity cartridges is quoted as saying it is at about 4.7 inches. Maybe you haven’t done as many test as he has. :thinking:

after a long conversation i often wonder

what have we learned

Well, one thing I’ve learned is that there are at least two posters on this site who are complete clones of each other…to the point where they type the exact same words out in different posts. Or, there is one poster with more than one screen name and an inability to come up with different ways of saying what they previously said under another account.

But, that’s off topic and all.

we learned different things

i learned about what bullets can do when they enter a body

Sure it does.

Find a video of 5.56 hitting ballistic gel where that actually happens at less than 8”.

lol - “Find a video”. That’s what you’ve got? :rofl:

Life is complicated but shootings like this one are exceedingly rare.

Well that’s silly. You think you’re not going to get noticed standing around with a gun in your hand when the cops arrive?

Either holster it, or clear it and set it in plain sight and be sure YOU report to police they are armed, preferably before they arrive.

Is there some particular reason you are unable?

Are there open carry laws in your domicile? If so why conceal and if you are questioned by the local constabulary and have a lawful firearm and permit, why worry; same with the CCP. BUT, if your weapon is sketchy and you do not have a permit, leave it behind. Just sayin’!