Birx Now Says Safe To Vote In Person

This mail voting / post office funding / liberal democrat mail in voting crap is perhaps the single dumbest made up scandal chuck and Nancy have dredged up yet.

Votes need to be cast securely and voters need to be matched with their ballot. 1 person 1 vote verified as a legal citizen and a verified legitimate voter is essential in this process. And that is the one element missing from this discussion.

There’s an established process…it’s called requesting an absentee ballot…that process is secure and available to anyone not comfortable with going to the polling place. We stand in lines all over the place…we can stand line to vote. We show our ID to do everything from check into a hotel to depositing cash in the bank to getting on an airplane we can and show demonstrate we are who we say we are to vote.

I grow more and more sick of Democrats daily.


New law passed where?

In how many states?

The key to getting people to die for their county is creating a country worth dying for. Which, frankly, I’m not seeing.

I’ll mail it in. You wont see me at the local gym.


Why are you all so mad? The participation trophy that is the electoral college puts you in power every time. You don’t even need to cheat. The system just hands it to you anyway.

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good work. thanks.

i grow more and more sick too, but each day i think i hit my max. but then they up their game even more

And not even the California law allows for mail in ballots to be sent to every single registered voter.

Only those voters who have been active in the last two elections…which will cut down on the number of ballots that are sent to an address where the voter doesn’t live.

And they will be validated the same way absentee ballots are validated.

The only thing changing is the number of mail in votes that will be received…and yes this has led to counting issues, not fraud issues.

Which is why Trump is moving on to his next talking point, insisting that if we don’t know the winner by Election night (and we may not), that shows there’s fraud.

Which is utterly stupid.

And yet Republicans love their mail in voting. The state GOPs across the country chug along cranking up their voters to do mail in voting, it’s one of their main gotv tools.

But Democrats! :sob:

Sick stuff.

that damn constitution again, huh?

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Yeah, it ■■■■■■■ sucks.

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lol i know i know. there there…

man you guys really really want this scheme in your back pockets come Nov huh?

We all know it sucks. Common knowledge.

Yes all that and more, they want cause chaos and they want to cheat.


It’s already there. Thankfully for both Republicans and Democrats who don’t want to stand in lines with unmasked maroons who won’t social distance and are coughing and sniffing and wiping their noses with their hands.

Stay safe everyone! If you know anyone who is elderly or has underlying medical conditions, help them get their mail in ballots and mail it in early!


Zuckerberg needs to be tried as a war criminal for giving you all facebook.


Delaware doesn’t have mail-in voting only absentee which Trump said was good.

It’s all so stupid.

My friend those clowns are corrupt. I think I ve listened pretty closely to these arguments and the post office wasn’t a big deal to anyone until they started using Covid as an excuse for everyone to vote by mail. No where in the “everyone should vote by mail” discussion is there any mention from leftists of ballot security…chain of custody of the ballots…knowing who cast those ballots and knowing they were cast 1 time per eligible voter. Democrats just want to mail our millions of ballots and have a damn free for all.

Two things should be very apparent…1- leftist democrats are prepared to use any and all means to change this country forever and not in a good way. 2 - the coronavirus is the new global warming…it can be used by lefties as an excuse for any and everything.


oh big time!

they are the party of “by any means necessary” because they know their fellow activist media will not show their methods

It really is.