Billionaire Bezos Busted

To the OP, you are just discovering this now? Wow.

They have a really weird corporate culture too.

My son was recruited by Amazon 6 months after starting his first job out of college (at a Fortune 200 company where he was in their Exec training program.) They are big on poaching. But he had friends who took jobs at Amazon and warned him off.

I’ve rarely used Amazon since it’s inception. Not a Walmart shopper, either. I’d rather shop at locally owned business in my town even though it’s more expensive.


I get recruiting emails for Senior Software Engineer jobs at Amazon all the time. I basically have them on auto-trash. It’d take a ridiculous amount of money they wouldn’t be willing to pay to get me to work there.

My son wouldn’t go work for them in a million years, either.

He’s been at a tech start-up (but a very well established one that just did their last round of fund raising.) for the last 1 1/2 years and loves it. Treated like gold - excellent salary and great bennies (including stock.)

is bezos doing anything illegal?

Good for you and I mean that sincerely.

It’s only wrong if it’s illegal?

Thank you. We are thrilled he loves his job and is so happy. Life is good.

I have a deep and abiding hatred for stores like Wallyworld.

They literally destroy small town economies bankrupting small business after small business.

I never really “got that” till I saw it first hand when a Walmart Supercenter opened in the small down where I went to college.

Devastating is an understatement. Numerous small business owners I’d know for years lost their businesses and to add insult to injury ended up eventually having to go to work for the same company that put them out of business to start with.

Walmart has the resources to come into a town negotiate sweet deals on taxes, capital improvements etc, and the cash to sell at losses until the competition is bankrupted then jacks them up once they have their virtual monopoly established.

Holy smokes!

I didn’t know a tenth of it!

Did I see a Washington Post article in there?

You know" Bezos says they are independent and don’t shape their news coverage according to his wishes.

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Can’t speak for anyone else, but that was exactly my thoughts as I was reading the OP.

Of course that’s true.
Nonetheless the story is newsworthy and of interest to cons and libs alike.

I think the workers should unionize. U,m thinking payroll is probably 0.01% of Amazon’s cost and given the bad publicity, Bezos could double or triple employee expenses and not be noticeably worse off.

I am pretty sure constitutional conservatives are already familiar with this, but for those who wish to sidesteo the issue and instead discuss what conservatives think or say I present.

Article 1 Sec. 8
The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; . . . . . .

To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes;

Hmm Roosevelt argued that a single-state small business chicken company was “interstate commerce” and therefore Congress had the power to force a minimum wage, SS, labor conditions etc. etc. upon that so-called interstate commerce.

I think Amazon and the WaPo etc. are probably under the ACTUAL meaning of interstate commerce.

Am I understanding this correctly that Trump supporters who call themselves conservative want the government to collect taxes by means of Amazon?

that was the standard set when trump was… and still is… hiring foreign workers instead of americans…

No it isn’t. Never has been.

I’m from the right and I’ve cared long before Trump became POTUS. It’s the negative direction I believe the country has been going for decades that motivated my vote for Trump.

Weren’t some of you cheering this stuff back when we were telling you things like NAFTA would lead to this? Service industry jobs don’t pay well. Never have. Now you’re surprised that people working in the service industry are also on food stamps? Yeah, it’s real mind boggling. :roll_eyes:

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Oh, so NOW something can be wrong if it’s illegal.

In the capital gains thread, this is exactly the type of thing I was telling you about regarding record profits.

Tax cuts for businesses aren’t going to help the little guy at Amazon, or WalMart, or anywhere else long-term. Hey, nice 1-time bonus you got there! Yet what’s mostly going to happen is that people like Bezos are going to get richer while doing the bare minimum for workers.

quality has gone down too.

I order stuff all the time.

parts missing or broken, packages opened, wrong stuff.