Bill Maher Shocked to Find Most Pro-Life Advocates Are Women

Oh please. Y’all loved him until he became a Republican, then y’all denied him like a con with gay marriage. :rofl:


Deny deny deny. 'Splain 'Splain 'Splain.

These emotional outbursts of yours are gold, JayJay. Never stop lying to my face about what’s really happening in this world. :rofl:


Lol “what’s going on in the world”.

You mean the Unreality Bubble World out of which you got the California law spin from whole cloth?


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Yes. I’m aware of it. You are ignorant of it. :wink:

Nah I know the world is full of crazy people.

I come here, don’t I?

I see you’re not admitting you told a fibbie fibbie on the California law thing…

You’ll ignore this and go back to what you think is a clever rejoinder because you know if you research it you will find out you’re wrong.

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…he said, denying the insanity that votes for the same Kid Sniffers he does. :rofl:


There was a now banned person on this board who was for it. I had it booked marked until the board changed the last time.

I will not vote for a dem because they are rock hard solid abortion supporters.

I go 3rd party now and again because i don’t like/respect a certain gop candidate. Never dem.


When the pro abortion stance doesn’t play well in some tight races how many Dems will claim they were always against it.


Some of their pols will. I never believe them.

The ones that claim to be against it always revert to pro abortion after the election.


Yeah, you might want to educate yourself and stop believing the liberal media. That is NOT what the Texas law says. S.B. 8 SPECIFICALLY calls out life of the mother. 171.008.

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They exist in the same way that you claim Republicans want to end birth control. Well, that’s not true. We have direct quotes from some of your politicians wanting to take away firearms, in some cases, ALL of them. Boxer?

No, murder should NOT be between a mother and a doctor. It’s a human life and in the same way that Democrats argued that they should be allowed to keep slaves, we’re back to the “it’s not a human being” argument. It’s disgusting to be honest. It’s a living, breathing human being in a different developmental stage, no less viable than a guy on life support that will recover his injuries. Can I walk in and kill that person because he’s inconvenient? Of course not, and for the same reason, you don’t have the right to kill a baby, nor do you have the right to own another human being. I notice that liberals seem to be all for that open border that’s bringing thousands of sex slaves into the US. Still haven’t given up on their dreams of slavery.

All BS aside, it’s unique DNA and that baby has the right to life. I can accept VERY early termination under certain circumstances but with the number of birth control methods these days, there’s really no excuse for abortion.


So. Is there a bill that says what he said? Is it codified in a law? The rest of your post is made up ■■■■■■■■ because that’s all you have

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So now you are talking about a different state to justify your ■■■■■■■■ about another state?


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Should abortion then be criminalized?

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First of all, Jezcoe mentioned Idaho, not me.
Second of all, it’s not ■■■■■■■■ .
Third- it shows a trend.

Like it or not, today’s GOP legislatures all over are drafting and passing legislature that’s too extreme even for many rank and file Republicans.

Thus I can see why many of those people who wanted Roe overturned aren’t celebrating right now…because they know the GOP legislatures are screwing up the potential win.

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… is just your own hyperventilation.


Yes. Murder is a criminal act. Yeah yeah yeah, I know, I’m an extremist for suggesting someone that kills a baby should go to jail… but killing that same baby is already a criminal act if someone else does it. If you kill a pregnant mother, you go to prison for TWO murders, not one. Liberals have people so convinced that it’s the right of the mother to abort that baby that it’s created an irrational response in some heads. In the same way, some of the idiots on the left have quit prosecuting people for theft and some rioting. It’s a deliberate act to create more discourse in this country so they can increase their hold on power. You can’t get middle class people to willingly give up what they have so you have to create fear in their minds. Covid. 9/11. Y2K. Climate Change. Abortion. These are ALL issues designed to divide and conquer.

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Exceptions for cases of rape were never in question until the past few years. It was something that everyone agreed on.

It is now on the table.

Extremists put it there.

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Abortion is murder an those who get one should go to jail.

In all cases?