Big Stacey Has A Point

Well, at least you are on the path to self awareness. Lemme know when you want more facts, logic, and reason.

The key is small doses. The conservative programming is pretty hard wired.

Good luck :+1:

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And what path are you on today?

:us: Trump 2024 :us:

Make America Coherent Again

senile biden

I am sure this made sense in your head as you typed it.

In relation to the thread and my post… well…it doesn’t make much sense.

If I want facts, logic and reason, the LAST place I’ll look is a liberal bird brain. Men can get pregnant? Socialism works? Slavery should be legal because black men aren’t human beings? Sorry, liberals have no business lecturing others on right and wrong.


Now…look up. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

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“Medical care is already prohibitively expensive”

These individuals can’t access public health clinics? Free volunteer physician efforts? Planned Parenthood?

Honestly I’d rather be seen in a public health clinic than by many private physicians. Many truly are awful human beings in this neck of the woods.

Oh no Big Crawfish!

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Honestly I don’t understand the fascination some have with health insurance. I’d cancel mine & insist my husband keep a policy for himself (he’s diabetic) & our teenager if that was an option, but my employer doesn’t allow cancellation without proof of coverage.

There are public health clinics. Planned Parenthood, and both of those accept private, public and no health insurance.

Many providers offer cash discounts to those who are uninsured and others whose insurance doesn’t cover their services. It’s great—there’s no middle man, just pay after your session and leave.

As both a patient and an employee I’ve developed an absolutely bottom of the barrel opinion of most of what western medicine has to offer, anyhow, and many its professionals. I’d rather pay up front at a marijuana dispensary or acupuncture practice, having actually gotten more pain relief from them than any western physician.

LASIK, massage therapy, acupuncture are a few services one might pay strictly out of pocket and not have to pay for and argue with the middle man. Maybe if there was more emphasis on such preventive measures as nutrition and exercise many in that doctor’s office might not need him.

This is strictly my .02 on the fascination some have with health insurance, which, if anything, adds to the cost of health care, and access to it. Maybe if some weren’t spending their budget on such inessentials as cigarettes (more low income smoke than middle and upper)and taking better care of themselves they wouldn’t need so much access.

The only argument I can make for insurance is getting cancer or something catastrophic. Those bills can run into the hundreds of thousands of dollars and most people can’t afford that. Same as car insurance, you can self insure if want to cover the loss of your vehicle (liability) but when you start getting into medical damages and other issues, it would quickly bankrupt most Americans. When we talk about insurance to cover a doctors visit for the sniffles, it ruins the model. The idea is to share the costs of life altering things that you cannot possibly plan for but think of how unaffordable your car insurance would be if they had to cover tires, oil changes, minor repairs for mechanical failures, etc.

I swear by this discipline, practice twice daily.

I wonder—are these practitioners able to do such beautiful work because they have all sorts of access to the most modern medicine, or, more likely, because they’re mindful about how they care for themselves and not living sedentary life styles?

The above headmaster and monastics are based in Germany. However, this wonderful teacher is based in Sullivan County, New York:

Is it NY Medicaid and constant visits to doctors, or, more likely, more discipline in the choices he makes in his daily life?

A FB friend quipped that many are using an $800 Smartphone to check food stamp balances. They might be more healthy if they used those Smartphones to engage in mind/body exercises as these.

It’s nice to be able to transfer them to a tv. But propping that phone up on a hard surface while performing the routines will do.

That is what catastrophic/accident insurance was for. Obamacare made sure you were no longer able to have just that type of policy if you chose to. Many of us did fine under those circumstances until it was decreed we must have a certain set of coverage by libs via the great and wonderful Obamacare.

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Yeah the unexpected is pretty much the only argument in favor of insurance.

But forcing American young to carry policies that cover them for the birth control they may not even want (the average prenatal patient whose work I bill is late 20s, early 30s), and those mammograms and colonoscopies they probably won’t have until their 40s if they choose to at all is a load of malarkey.


Yeah, I doubt those 60 year old small business owners are celebrating the free birth control and pediatric dental care for kids under 12 Odummercare policies require them to carry.

Fixing those catastrophic policies many liked has helped absolutely none.

Oh honey… no Fat Stacy NO!!!

Remember, remember the 8th of November (2016)

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sometimes gaurantees work out, sometimes they dont.

i personally like the confidence in oneself.




You’d think people would be ashamed at allowing themselves to be so emotionally manipulated into believing such idiocy.

I guess not…

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I’m glad you agree they’re all equally silly.

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Just remember who drew first blood.

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Birth certificates, Larry Sinclair, Bill Ayers?

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