Big Stacey Has A Point

Logically a couple extra days would be reasonable.

Weeks and months is an insult to the republic and citizen.

We need to stop this. if Mastriano wins in PA…we will get this corrected.


I have a daughter and son in law down there that disagree as well.

They live in a very pleasant/pretty rural community.

I wouldn’t live in Atlanta but neither would i live in any big city.

The state has places like Cali. beat all to heck.


So much whining about people voting. My lord.


There ya go. We currently have almost 87 million people on Medicaid and CHIP.

What number is enough? Over 1/4 of our population are currently on Medicaid/CHIP. Add to that the 18.4% of the population covered by Medicare and almost 45% of the population is on government healthcare. . . yet here we have people calling for an EXPANSION. What number is enough? The feds currently spend about $1.3 TRILLION per year on Medicare and Medicaid, not including state spending. That’s $3,800 in spending for every man, woman and child for the year. What number is enough? When will the problem be “fixed”? Every year, we spend more and every year we hear it’s just not enough. Well, what’s that number? When do we get to admit that Medicaid is a complete and total failure?

She’s not even CLOSE to telling the truth. She’s taking the Democrat controlled parts of the state and using them to slam the rest of the state in a pathetic attempt to become governor. What she fails to tell in this nonsense is that she will ruin the GOOD parts of the state in the same way that Democrats have ruined Atlanta. She’s not being honest, she’s being a politician and pretending she’s not part of the problem.


When every citizen can receive required health care

Your metric for “failure” is number of people covered? Why is that a failure? That’s the point.

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Fat Stacy is tearing apart Georgia…why I’m I not surprised?

That’s not something that’s the responsibility of the other tax payers. Get off your tail end and buy your own healthcare. There are a limited number of exceptions, such as children and disabled and to that end, we’ve accepted Medicaid to close the gap but your non-answer is just pathetic.

Who said my metric is number of people covered? My metric is the poor quality of care received by those on Medicaid and Medicare. My metric is the stunning amount of money it costs the other citizens. My metric is the poor administration of these programs. The other problem is the moving goal posts. Each year, the program grows and each year, we’re told it’s just not enough and how the problem is worse. It’s just typical of big government programs. Never enough and people like you continue to lecture the rest of us that provide for ourselves that we need to give MORE to provide for those that WON’T provide for themselves.

You know why I’m sick and tired of this stuff? When I go to the store and stand in line behind someone using WIC or SNAP card arguing with the clerk that toys and other stuff should be covered by their card… then when they’re told NO, they pull out a wad of cash and pay cash for the other stuff. I’m sick and tired of the fraud, waste and abuse not being addressed, and then having some dolt politician lecture me on how if they only had a few dollars more, they could fix the problem, as if they haven’t spent TRILLIONS on the issue and have solved exactly NOTHING.


Remove Atlanta and Hinesville and Georgia is a wonderful state.


Medicare coverage is actually quite good. Medicaid coverage is so bad because not enough money is spent on it.

Medical care is already prohibitively expensive for a lot of people. Even dual income households can struggle with the costs.

BUT: This thread isn’t about solving the health care problem in this country. I only mentioned Medicaid expansion in response to another poster.

This would help, how?

Most of us understand children and disabled who cannot work getting Medicaid. It appears pediatricians are the least likely to accept new Medicaid patients.

It appears Ms. Abrams wishes to expand access to mental health care. Yet according to this article, Medicaid would do quite the opposite.

Again, absolute GARBAGE. You think we don’t spend enough on Medicaid? Give me a number. What does that number look like? I’m sick and tired of the answer ALWAYS being “not enough”.

Why do you think medical care is expensive? Could it be due to the excessive regulations? To the MASSIVE amount of money currently spent by government, a HUGE portion of that wasted? The more we spend, the worse it gets from two perspectives. #1. Demand. When you pay the costs for people, they end up going to the doctor when it’s really not necessary. #2. Taxes that we must collect in order to fund these programs. I detailed out, we spend $3800 for every man, woman and child in this country per year for Medicaid and Medicare. Since more than 50% of the people in this country don’t pay federal taxes, that shifts the outlay to the producers and increases their tax bill, REDUCING their income.

This isn’t that hard. If we shifted this stuff to the free market and away from government, we would again have companies and doctors forced into open competition. When we do that, quality increases and cost decreases. Want a great example? Lasik surgery. It used to be $10K to $15K per eye and it’s NEVER been covered by insurance or Medicare. Today, it’s $2K to $3K per eye and the results are far better. Stop leaning to the tax payer to fix the problems of the lazy.

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No, I don’t



A myth. Plus, preventative care is a cost saving measure.

I, and my employer, spend more than that per year

Yeah. The wages of a permanent class of immiseration. And old folks. And children. And low wages.

All that does is provide care to the wealthy. And the moderately wealthy, so long as they don’t have a catastrophic health event.

Some may be lazy, but many more are simply poor.

Don’t you know that the key to prosperity for all Americans is to absorb tens of millions of the world’s impoverished in to the country? :wink:

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I stopped at “more”. That’s a gutless response. No sense in me reading further.

That’s okay. Conservabots hardly warrant my full attention.

Big Stacey should quietly step aside and write a “steamy”memoir.

Big Stacey that is a true statement.

Small attention span, I know

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Yeah, people often get bored with facts, logic and reason. Being uneducated is more fun.

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