Biden's gaffes pile up, worrying some supporters

Its what they’ve been told by CEC. They don’t know any better.

Anytime a Trump worshipper adds a “according to libs” to a conversation, you can immediately tell that the CEC has helped form their opinion. I would say its sad, but the President is the same way.



I see the polls. I see who is leading. But, since I am a “lib”, I also know what other liberals are thinking and wanting. So, as much as Trump worshippers will cling to these early polls, liberals know that a few more debates, things will begin to shake out further. Biden will not be there. But hey, early polls had Cruz and Kasich and Bush leading. See how things didn’t work out that way?

As for turning into a Trumpster, nah. I don’t have the intestinal fortitude to defend a disgusting creature 24/7.


Part of me thinks it may be early alzheimer’s and part of me thinks Biden is just that stupid.

After all the so called “gaffes” have been going on for decades.

I’m pretty sure Joe knows there no country “Nambia”

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Trump supporters apparently have a very low tolerance level for someone spewing nonsense and making mistakes. Almost as low as their tolerance level for someone launching insults and name-calling - and they’re really strict about that one :wink: :smile:


Are gaffes an indicator of a person’s ability “to function” in your opinion?

I don’t say this lightly or as an insult my grandmother went down this way. It started off slowly saying odd things, then it went to memory loss in which her long term memory was there but she would forget things that happened the same day, after that she went downhill fast.

Doing this in retaliation for people questioning Trumps mental state is not a good look.

This isn’t about you. :sunglasses:

Trump defiantly checks most of the checkboxes of someone who has ASPD.

The closer the investigation in to all of the Obama scandals come to an end it will only get worse.

And what kind of mental state were those who knowingly pushed the Russian collusion lie?

There are very few speakers who are skilled off-the-cuff. But it’s one thing to flub a word now and then, to misread your teleprompter or make an impolitic remark. When it happens repeatedly, however, and it is part of a pattern of inappropriate conduct, fumbling through a speech, or a general mental fog, you do have to wonder if it’s just campaigning fatigue or a sign of something else. I was reading another article about Biden’s gaffes and one of the comments after the article mentioned that he had brain surgery several decades ago. I wonder if what seem to be issues of focus and boundaries are the result of a medical issue.

Naw, Biden is great. Heck his gaffes are better than most of the dems real thoughts.

Can you imagine a green new deal being put in place by people who couldn’t even build a train in California with nearly unlimited funds and a one party system to back them up?

We would starve like Ukrainians under Stalin… And the left would call it a disease prevention program. lol!

Racism is hardly a “gaffe”…

In a comparison between Biden’s ‘‘gaffes’’ and Trumps gaffes, lies, racist comments, Biden will come out ahead.

Racism is not a gaffe.

Neither is creepy.

Biden needs to go to a home and spend his days sniffing hair.


Yeah…I’d go with Biden if I were you? :sunglasses:

biden makes “gaffes” but trump is “racist”


Welcome to The Party, comrade. Have you spied on your neighbors today?