Biden wins another endorsement

OP’s last thread about nazi’s, or maybe the one before the last one, or the other one, anyway, one of OP’s other nazi threads concluded for me with a poster telling me that Trump should and would pardon James Alex Fields.

So :popcorn:


Wait what?

Don’t underestimate Biden’s R-factor. He’s pro.


Well, I guess you aren’t going to vote for Biden then.
And when do you think Trump will disavow QAnon? Mark Meadows was on Fox News yesterday and was given the chance and he wouldn’t do it. Funny that.

I’m sure Biden rejected the endorsement.

Meanwhile, our local libs are positively orgasmic in this thread.

No good assuming.

Or rather, better to assume he accepted it because only his campaign has rejected it.

Of course, now he will reject it to maintain appaearances, but I think it’s safe to assume he’s all in on Spencer.

By Democrat logic, of course.

One set of rules. Remember David Duke?

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That’s Trump endorsed Laura Loomer, right? Isn’t she running in his district?

Duke is old hat. Focus on Spencer.

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I learned in 2016 from the left that those who endorse you, expose who you truly are and who your beliefs attract. I’m confident lefties, will now evolve to do the right thing and endorse Trump? :sunglasses:


Which one, Omar the anti-Semite or the neo-Nazi? How curious, they both hate Jews.

That makes sense. But you know the old saying about libs…if not for double standards?

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Facts, can be arousing sometimes.

Yes, Biden has not personally rejected Spencer’s endorsement. In addition Biden and Harris continue to accept Omar’s endorsement even though she beat out Spencer as anti-Semite of the year.

Realize that Biden has set an extraordinarily high bar for renouncing neo-Nazis. The central theme of the Biden campaign has been that Trump is really a neo-Nazi supporter even after he personally, explicitly condemned neo-Nazis multiple times:

Racism is evil. And those who cause violence in its name are criminals and thugs, including the KKK, neo Nazis, white supremacists and other hate groups that are repugnant to everything we hold dear as Americans.

“I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists, because they should be condemned totally.”

By his own logic, Biden is a neo-Nazi ally until he personally rejects the neo-Nazis in terms that are more direct and forceful than what Trump used. A tweet from a campaign lackey is clearly not even close to meeting the standard that Biden has set.

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umm, he used his forearm/elbow not his fist.

biden still has not denounced this guy.


Just look at who he has cavorted with during his 47 years in goobermint. Hell, he considered Robert KKK Byrd a mentor!

Dinesh D’Souza has researched the political views of white supremacists, interviewed them, and has found that 99.9% of them are left-wing in their politics. He makes this point often in his University talks

The leftist media have repeated the lying word association “Right wing white supremacists” ad infinitum until people automatically assume the two ideologies are linked at the hip. However, the statistics are the exact opposite.

AntiFa are leftist white supremacists posing as pro-black activists but burning down black businesses and beating up on blacks who leave the Democrat plantation.

Don’t forget the vile things they say to black police officers.