Biden was lying about the border all along and now finally admits it

Well, the number isn’t accurate. Probably half reality.

Yes he did. Honesty Watch™

Y’all need to quit lying.

The senate bill was defeated twice on a bi partisan basis.

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Wouldn’t it be nice to have a discussion about the border without 1 or 2 libs turning it into a whine fest about that stupid senate bill?


I’ve been involved in this forum and its predecessor far too long…20 years give or take a year or 2.

One thing has remained constant…

Liberal Democrats always argue against the simple concept of border security.

“If you build a 20 foot wall, which is all trumps vanity project they’ll just buy 22 foot ladders…”.

This “the Republican Senate” ■■■■ is a damn waste of time.

Biden got elected…he inherited a fraction of the border crossings that we now see…by executive action Biden immediately dismantled the programs that were working. If clueless Joe can dismantle everything and create the chaos we are now living with…he can certainly use the same executive power to put the things he broke back together.

The Biden’s have lied repeatedly about everything from “we have operational control” to “they strapped the migrants”….meanwhile Americans all over the country are dealing with the real world consequences of the invasion of 10 million + illegals Biden has facilitated through his actions.

The border crisis that exists today in America is on the Biden administration, no one else.


Dude put down the bong.

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While the question appeared simple in nature, you are now touching on the complexity of the coordination this will take.

We need comprehensive border security reform, addressing most urgently the speed with which we process, accept or deport asylum seekers.

Build a Great Wall of China if that is what it takes with armed guards patrolling the top of the wall.

One has to be really stupid to back that stupid bill which guarantees open borders.


Not if you stop the practice of country shopping for people with phony asylum claims, which was addressed in HR2.

We need to seal the border.

No we do not need comprehensive whatever that catch word you people have been tossing around for 20+ years is.

You seem to forget…the Biden legacy is 10 or more million illegal entrants into America from more than 170 countries. When you toss the gotaways in there the number is much higher.

Biden has allowed an invasion. His surrogates lied to the American people repeatedly about what was happen…Biden himself said next to nothing unless he was lying about border agents “strapping” migrants.

Today you have residents of major left leaning American cities complaining about their neighborhoods and their schools and their hospitals being overrun by people who simply should not be here? How many dead Americans from fentanyl? How many migrants paying off their debts to the cartels as 21st century slaves? How much money have the criminal cartels made? Biden has made them multi billion dollar businesses. I personally think that pathetic loser Joe Biden should be impeached as the first American president to both allow and facilitate thru his failed policies and his administration’s dishonesty a complete invasion of this country.

You say we need comprehensive border security reform. To me that means immediately restarting the wall, increased border patrol supplemented by the military and state and local law enforcement where possible. More electronic monitoring all designed to send a signal that if you show up at the border you will be turned around and sent back. I’m talking about a massive unprecedented showing of force sending a signal to the world that America will defend its sovereignty.


We have allowed 10 or more million migrants to illegally invade this country, a fraction of whom might be legit asylum seekers and all of whom have asylum hearings scheduled years from now if at all. Biden has overwhelmed the system…has destroyed our country’s ability to manage the influx…we have 10+ million illegals here we barely know how to deal with and your version of “comprehensive reform” would allow millions more into America…further overwhelming an already overwhelmed system.

Do I expect any politician not named Donald Trump to do what is needed? No…

But given the tragedy that lying POS in the White House has created over the last 3+ years a completely closed border…and mass deportations…are actually the only sensible way to go. Americans have a right to know who is being allowed into this country and why? Bringing more in when we’ve got an already overwhelmed system is stupid.

I know you will completely disagree…probably will whine about that stupid senate bill…

I really don’t care.

Biden has allowed an invasion. Simply reducing the number of illegals invading the country and claiming “comprehensive reform yay us” is a stupid idea.



We can’t handle all the invaders Biden has already let in…

It’s time to start sending the world a strong message that invasion will be stopped.

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HR2 for those of you who may have forgotten is a very good House bill that passed more than a year ago that has been exiled to some filing cabinet by term limits poster child Chuck Schumer while you all whine about the senate bill that has been killed in a bi partisan manner by the senate.


None of yall know what is in HR2, stop it.

You know the people who never get talked about in these “we need comprehensive reform” bs discussions?

The several hundred thousand (I think the number is somewhere between 600,000 and a million people a year) people who actually go thru the process to become legal citizens of our country. Who spend the money and take the time to become American citizens…

Now there’s a system that could use an upgrade…as I understand it it’s very long and expensive. That’s not all bad citizenship in this greatest of nations needs to matter…it shouldn’t be handed out like M&M’s on Halloween to anyone who pays off the cartels and walks across the Rio Grande.

Those folks who’ve done this the right way are the ones we should be holding up and recognizing in this immigration argument…

Anyway I’ve expressed my opinions have a nice day.

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Don’t even need the armed guards. Drone monitoring would show attempts at breaching.

Most of the illegal rabble will have no way of breaching the wall. They will be forced to the ports of entry. (Where we can actually count them, and throw them back into Mexico.) In fact, most will stop trying.

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Here’s one of the (various) important aspects of it:

Migrants fleeing persecution should seek asylum or similar humanitarian relief from the first country they reach with a functioning asylum system. For the better part of the last decade, as “credible fear” claims significantly increased, nearly all of the aliens apprehended at the southern border crossed through at least one other country where they could have sought humanitarian relief, including Mexico. H.R. 2 ends this asylum “forum shopping” by aliens who are choosing to come to the U.S. for economic and family reunification reasons by making them ineligible for asylum in the U.S. if they did not seek asylum in any of the countries they transited to get to the southern border.


All by design and intention: