Biden was lying about the border all along and now finally admits it

How many times did Biden say that there’s NOTHING he could do about the border? Every Conservative here knew he was a piece of ■■■■ liar about that, while every lib tried to defend his actions:

For three years the Biden Administration along with most Dems kept saying there was no problem and then for about 6 months were saying that there was NOTHING the president can do about it. All lies, but why? As has been demonstrated before today’s Dem wants an open border and will do anything to facilitate that.


when you consider that this is what Democrats actually want then it all makes sense

Well…he can’t do anything unless the number of illegals exceeds 4,000 daily. That seems to be a Biden magical number that then and only then…allows him to stop illegal entry.


That seems to be the case. But to what end? What’s the purpose?

While not the purpose, our birth rates are plummeting.

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Votes and power.

Election year LIP SERVICE.

The border is still almost 100 percent open.

CRINGE Jean Pierre was impressed of course. :roll_eyes:


4000 X 365 is 1,460,000 illegal crossings a year before the problem is considered bad enough to trigger action. That is nothing more than trying to put out a forest fire with a bunch of drunks pissing on it.


Of coarse he couldn’t do anything until the election was close enough. This is a losing issue for biden, his only option was to pretend to do something when the election got close enough that results of his action couldn’t be effectively measured before everyone votes. This is an obvious scam.

He wanted Congress to change the laws. They didn’t. Now he is using executive orders that may or may not be legal.

He wanted congress to codify that the border was open and give amnesty to those already here. All he is doing here is saying he won’t lift a finger before 4000 have crossed a day and then what ever he orders done will only be performative.


Can anyone tell me how anyone would know when the 4K per day limit is reached?

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Hopefully, Biden’s feeble attempt to,stop the stampede he started, right before the election, won’t fool anyone. Hopefully.

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The law would prohibit the President from restricting these mass border crossings until the magic 4000 number was proven to the left leaning judges in DC, which would be never. Mostly, it would be used to prohibit Trump from reinstituting the orders that protected our border when he was President the first time.


Young progressives typically don’t have children these days. That’s why they have zero hesitation going after yours.


The only Trump executive order that had any meaningful impact on the border was title 42.

Biden EOs might be a bit more robust. We shall see.

It already has.

Wouldn’t it be better for Congress to enct laws rather than using EOs which will be challenged in court?

More support for HR2? Great!!


Irrelevant. Who enforces said laws?

He’s enacted soooo many executive orders to defy the USSC rulings, he could have cared less about enforcing our immigration laws.

This administration is ALWAYS reactive, never proactive, except when wanting to push progressive social engineering bull ■■■■■

The absolute worst kind of leadership we could have had.
