Biden was lying about the border all along and now finally admits it

Which ones are those?

All of them.

I dunno, counting them? Maybe?

Wouldn’t it be better if biden simply didn’t screw it up in the first place?


It looks like the mayors of the border towns are heading to DC to join Biden for his announcement.

Because border crossings are averaging per week of higher than 2,500 his halt on people claiming asylum could go into immediate effect.

As I have said repeatedly the challenge is identifying who is truly seeking asylum and who are economic migrants.

But its all okay Trump can start building his wall on 01/07 the day after his inaguration. Not to mention the millions he will be rounding up and deporting (which we all know is never going to become a reality even if Trump wins)

Oh I was wrong , Biden just signed his EO.


gaslight 003


Come on man!

Well, there is HR2. The Democrat Senate bill would just make it harder to secure the border. Not all laws are good laws.


Depends. If he selects the right people to head the agencies, and Congress is Republican, it could be very real. The selecting right people to head the agencies is the catch.

He literally asked Congress to make changes to laws. This happened. You seems to have trouble with the definition of gaslighting

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Looks like asylum claims are now shutdown temporarily.

He literally reversed everything the orange man did without bothering to see if anything was working, then spent 3 years ignoring the issue by claiming there wasn’t a problem. Finally, when the polls went south for him on this issue, he skirted the issue claiming he couldn’t do anything and passed the buck to congress. Now that the election is closer and his polling on this issue is threating his chance at winning, he suddleny found the power to do something.

That is gaslighting on a professional level.


Didn’t the courts demand some Trump policies get shut down?

Did he not tell congress he would sign their compromise bill?

Which ones?


Be specific, what border EOs did Biden reverse that had any significant impact? The only one I can think of is title 42.

Well that narrows it down!

I might be thinking of something else. I’ll look.

Correction 2500 of ones that fall in a narrow group. Doesn’t count for families. Guess that human trafficking numbers are gonna go up again.