Biden was lying about the border all along and now finally admits it

I believe his EO is 2500

You are correct edited

Useless as it is it is only a temporary EO.

One has to be really stupid to buy into this being anything at all.


Title 42:

Zero-Tolerance Policy—April 6, 2018—The Justice Department instructed federal prosecutors to
prioritize the prosecution of immigration crimes, and a month later announced that DHS would refer
all individuals apprehended while illegally crossing the southwest border to the Justice Department
for prosecution.196 After the president’s June 20, 2018, executive order ending family separations, this
policy was no longer applied to parents traveling with children.197 However, it continued to be applied
to some adults who crossed on their own.

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OBiden to order “Zecutive” action to fix the border?

Don’t be fooled. They’re still allowing 30,000 a month in
This is an election year parlor trick. LOL Joey Blockhead is so full of ■■■■■


Migrant Protection Protocols/Remain in Mexico—January 28, 2019—Individuals arriving or entering
the United States from Mexico who cross the border illegally or lack proper documentation, including
asylum seekers, may be returned to Mexico for the duration of their immigration proceedings.217
Implementation of MPP began at the San Ysidro port of entry on January 28, 2019, and was expanded
across the border

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Well, there is one.

He should have had Kamala announce it since she was in charge of the border.

Remain in Mexico didn’t do anything. Only 70k in 2 years were sent back to Mexico. More than 2 million let in

What other border EOs did Biden rescind?

Complete ■■■■■■■■■

Granted, 70k may only represent 2 weeks worth of Biden’s illegal crossings…but under rational leadership 70k is a large number. Couple that policy with others Biden got rid of and those number start increasing quickly.

And that’s the problem, it didn’t matter if reversing the policy would have ill effect…all that mattered was “orange meanie must be reversed, to hell with repercussions”.

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From Speaker Johnson:

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I cited two policies above. (Note: policies, I never mentioned EOs).

70k out of 2 million+. That is not a large number under any administration.

And which of these did Biden stop doing? From what I can see Biden stopped

Family separation
Remain in Mexico
Title 42

With Title 42 having the biggest impact.

Hmmm . . . seems to me another Executive Order has already been prepared for Biden to revoke, on November the 5th, the EO you mention above.

How stupid do you think the American people are?

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And no doubt if he screws up with the selections it will be the deep state who got them installed and not on him.

We saw this with the revolving door that was his last administration. A appointee would be lauded by his supporters for being inspired and the types of choices a real leader makes. Then when they did not bend the knee like Trump wanted or he could not control them, out they went and then the Maga crowd turned on them.

Perfect example was John Kelly.

But yes if makes the right selections and does not micro manage you could be right.

What are you babbling on about? Oh this is you speculating.