Biden was lying about the border all along and now finally admits it

You can quibble all you want about the numbers, but with 70k here and 70k there…it adds up.

Perhaps if that imbecile Biden would have looked at ways of reducing the numbers 70k here and 70k there starting 3.5 years ago, he wouldn’t be in this position of having to gaslight the voters into believing he is doing something.

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He did - he supports the bipartisan immigration bill that will stop alot more than 70K.

The GOP won’t sign it even though they negotiated it, because Trump…

No, the won’t vote on it because it’s ■■■■■■■■■ Hell, last time this ruse came up at leats 4 senate democrats voted against it. Bipartisan opposition.


The southern border will not be “shut down” illegals will still be allowed in, “got aways” will still be sneaking in. The “30,000 per month” is a joke, he can’t and won’t enforce it. In the end OBiden will blame Republicans and “the convicted felon Trump”. Joe Potato Head is blubbering and stammering something that sounds like: “I did something about the southern border now vote for me” :rofl:
He sucks


Look, I get it…democrats need to boost the old imbeciles poll numbers on this issue. But, the gaslighting just aint gonna work. People just aren’t as stupid as you think.

Well, most people.

Babbling? In case you missed it, Biden already revoked that very EO when he took office. Why wouldn’t he revoke it again this coming Nov. 5th?

Three republicans agreeing to an awful bill do not make it a bipartisan bill. If there were bipartisan agreement, that mess would be law and protecting illegal crossings by tying Trumps hands for three years. Why do you think the duration was three years.

Libs will keep repeating that stupid talking point. They have nothing else.

Well then not much more point in discussing anything.

Sorry mate I do not keep a spreadsheet of all of Bidens EO nor do I have an encyclopaedic knowledge of his term in office.

I have a life and post here for enjoyment.

I think that’s why John provided the info for you.

On the flip side, you’re right about the allegation being speculative.

Bingo! All this EO is about is the election. It doesn’t have any teeth and relies on Mayorkas, whose an utterly pathetic liar who more than anyone wants open borders.

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I know how to deal with feral animals. :sunglasses:

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Why does congress need to compromise on the border? Who is compromising? What’s the compromise?

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Easily done. Fentanyl is a public health crisis.

It absolutely is about the election. He is doing it now then with a few other incremental measures to help with his ratings.

We will know if the strategy worked in November.

Don’t let tnt drag you into a waste of time discussion of that stupid senate bill. It’s been defeated twice…

There is one piece of legislation worthy of discussion that’s the house bill passed more than a year ago that democrats…the hypocrites who whine “but Trump and the republicans” have buried on the senate in the office if term limits poster child up Chuck Schumer.

That bill is at least worth talking about.

I don’t get what’s so hard about this.

The pathetic trash Joe Biden inherited the most secure border of our lifetimes and destroyed it on purpose facilitating an invasion of this country.

This alone is reason enough to remove him from office.

Here’s a piece from Townhall quoting the always quotable Senator Kennedy from Louisiana re: the pathetic loser we have to call Mr President.

“ President Joe Biden is expected to sign a narrow executive order on immigration Tuesday afternoon, despite previously claiming he had no authority to do anything about the crisis he created, but the transparently political attempt to throw a life preserver to the president’s job approval before November’s election. Republican Senator John Kennedy of Louisiana, as only he can, explained Tuesday morning why he isn’t buying the ploy — and why Biden-sympathetic mainstream reporters shouldn’t either.

“President Biden is in trouble politically — he’s polling right up there with fungal infections,” Sen. Kennedy quipped in a Senate press conference. “Part of the reason for that is that he gave in to the loon-wing of his party and he dissolved the southern border.”

“Now, five months before an election, he has to appear to be willing to do something about it,” the Louisiana Republican continued. “Hence this executive order. He expects you to report this epiphany that he has had, take what the White House is telling you, balance on your noses like trained seals, and report it uncritically,” Sen. Kennedy said, speaking to reporters gathered for his remarks.

“For three years, we have watched President Biden push on a door that has been clearly marked pull,” Sen. Kennedy assessed. “He’s mismanaged Congress, COVID, the national debt, the economy, inflation, crime, Afghanistan, Iran, the war in Gaza, the war in Ukraine, and now of course the border.”.

Joe Biden is garbage…he has lied repeatedly to all of us about the border, “we have operational control it’s secure, and if course he’s lied about everything else too. The sooner he and the people around him are gone the better off the country will be.


Glad I could help.

It’s not like I could have listed any of them and you would have given two ■■■■■ about them.

I’ve been here long enough to know that YOU agree with each and every one of them.

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If he had just left Trump policy in place we wouldn’t be in this mess.

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