Biden was lying about the border all along and now finally admits it

Mostly the dems compromised and agreed to a very conservative border bill that Trump told the GOP to reject so he would have an issue to run on.

Of course we should have legal immigration determined through our laws and wuotas. I don’t think that’s what the walls are about.

How can you count what you can’t see?

This is a problem we will never be able to fully solve. There will always be people that sneak across the border… undiscovered

Who told you that?

What is very conservative about a border bill? What’s the other side requiring compromise? What are you trying to achieve?

Yep, right now millions of them.

Don’t lie. The GOP did not negotiate it. One lone GOP member was allowed to sit in the back of the bus and shut up while the Democrats crafted their open border bill. The democrats can’t even get all the democrat members of the senate to vote for their open border bill. Trump does not get a vote. What other excuses do you have for the democrat open border policy?


Only one I see babbling is the one you see when you look in the mirror.


How do you know… you just claimed you can’t count what you can’t see.

Your government told me.

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The Republican party did not agree with the bill. Their vote showed they did not agree with the bill.
A person would be an idiot to vote yes for a bill that the democrats are pushing so hard. Bring forward a bill that over half the democrats in the senate disagreed with and vote no and then you would have a truly bipartisan bill.

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The democrats compromised on nothing. It was not a conservative border bill.
Educate yourself and go read the house bill that is a conservative border bill.
There is no need to lie. Biden would not be pushing the open border bill if he did not get exactly what he wanted. Which is open borders.
Why is biden not pushing the senate to bring the conservative house border bill up for a vote? Are the senate leaders sitting on the house bill because they don’t want to give the republicans a win before the election? Or are the democrats lying about wanting to close the border?


Then someone can count. Glad we solved this.

Which is kind of why establishing a limit here is ridiculous. You either let people sneak across our border illegally or you don’t.

Well you can’t completely stop people from sneaking over, can you?

No. You do t have to tell them you hope they surge, either.

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True and it’s a good thing no one said that either. We should also stop screaming “the border is open! The border is open”

News reports tell us. There are countless videos of hordes of invaders walking across non-barriered parts of the border. Nobody (official) is counting them. Even the “how-do-you-know” crowd has seen such videos.

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The stupidest thing the democrats are saying on here is that they are going to count them and suddenly the alarms are going to go off and the gates will be closed. We are talking about a government who can’t even keep track of where money is being spent.


The bill was an utter ■■■■■■■ joke. It had virtually nothing to do with border security but rather was designed to offer ANYONE IN WORLD an opportunity to immigrate to the US utilizing the asylum process. In that regards it was a bill centered on increasing immigration into the US by the millions.