Biden wants to give out $450000 per person for separated illegal migrants

Preferable perhaps, but that’s not what’s happening under asylum law and whatever the hell else. THEREFORE, we are adjudicating them and everything I’ve said is accurate under the law.

They could have stopped at Mexico they choose to go further for the social payouts, after word goes out those bozo’s in office give out 450k it will be an invasion which should go to progressive houses who want this not the ones who oppose this ridiculous invasion that every other first world country has stopped after the EU migrant crisis.

Cool, so compensate them with a ticket back home and the knowledge that they can rot in prison if they come back. We don’t owe them a free house and two brand new cars. In fact, we don’t owe them anything. :man_shrugging:

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The right must exist.

Eighth amendment spells it out and the law I cited earlier codifies it.

42 U.S. Code § 2000dd

No, it doesn’t. There is no right to “family integrity” in detention.

What would you say if that 7 year-old girl was raped by a 12 year-old boy who was in with his mother?

I said nothing about that.

Cruel and unusual.

Separation in detention is neither.

Is it cruel to separate a 7 year-old child by forcing them to board a school bus every morning?

Does the school return them home everyday? Your comparison isn’t even in the same galaxy as what happened.

Are they separated for 8 hours every day?

Come on man! Not even close or worth discussing. I showed you directly where they had ZERO plan to reunite these families. Still no one in this thread has acknowledged the Trump administration’s policy was wrong.

Let’s here your solution to the border crisis. Machine gun turrets are off the table. I’ll have the discussion with you.

Well as Obama said, “you didn’t build that.” America doesn’t belong to the US taxpayers, it belongs to the world.

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A good kick in the ass is what they need. lol

I don’t think Sneaky has argued against this yet:

  1. Act of Congress declaring there are no asylum conditions in Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador or Haiti.

  2. Act of Congress clearly defining that asylum only applies to those individuals oppressed by their government because of certain reasons. It already is, but apparently it isn’t clear.

  3. Remain in Mexico.

See what that does. I have more.

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Yes or no?

I don’t see the point of cutting off access to specific countries. If conditions In these countries were improved the population wouldn’t be leaving in droves.

I’m OK with remain in Mexico. We are in the process of building a facility to make at least some of that happen.

I have a question for you. You discover your basement is flooding. Do you spend all of your money and resources in bailing the water out of your basement?

It is when they lose the kids. That is the biggest issue here, and the driving force behind this entire discussion. It is inexcusable and unacceptable.