Biden wants to give out $450000 per person for separated illegal migrants

Are they separated for 8 hours every day?

Come on man! Not even close or worth discussing. I showed you directly where they had ZERO plan to reunite these families. Still no one in this thread has acknowledged the Trump administration’s policy was wrong.

Let’s here your solution to the border crisis. Machine gun turrets are off the table. I’ll have the discussion with you.

Well as Obama said, “you didn’t build that.” America doesn’t belong to the US taxpayers, it belongs to the world.

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A good kick in the ass is what they need. lol

I don’t think Sneaky has argued against this yet:

  1. Act of Congress declaring there are no asylum conditions in Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador or Haiti.

  2. Act of Congress clearly defining that asylum only applies to those individuals oppressed by their government because of certain reasons. It already is, but apparently it isn’t clear.

  3. Remain in Mexico.

See what that does. I have more.

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Yes or no?

I don’t see the point of cutting off access to specific countries. If conditions In these countries were improved the population wouldn’t be leaving in droves.

I’m OK with remain in Mexico. We are in the process of building a facility to make at least some of that happen.

I have a question for you. You discover your basement is flooding. Do you spend all of your money and resources in bailing the water out of your basement?

It is when they lose the kids. That is the biggest issue here, and the driving force behind this entire discussion. It is inexcusable and unacceptable.

C’mon. That’s the dumbest thing you’ve ever said on these forums.

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Don’t worry they will, they know which parts of the country are armed to the teeth.

Link showing all these people’s children were lost and not a case of not being able to find the parents.

By the way, check out how cheap land is near the border. Like a grand an acre or less in Hudspeth Texas as one example.

Top 5 at least

I’m in agreement…the question is why the lazy argument? What gives Sneak?

So it’s not the actual government-mandated separation you all object to?

It’s the duration?

Myth. The parents report that their child was taken from them…followed by reuniting. If there is no parent nor one that wants the child back, reuniting will not happen in any case.
We are not talking about a million kids.
This is all a huge distraction from the Biden’s failure to defend the border.

Here is how I would handle it.

  1. Rapid DNA test to prove paternity

  2. Coded bracelets that match kids and parents.

  3. Kids under 10 stay with a parent where possible. Don’t mix genders.

  4. Families should be able to see kids over 10 at least once per week if the process goes that long.

  5. Families with kids in detention move to the front of the queue to determine the parent’s status.

I don’t have a problem with separation. My problem was they couldn’t reunite them when the time came.

Not a bad plan. There’s a problem with this one though.