Biden:The President incites violence, inspires white-supremacist shooters

Life in America under obama had under 10% unemployment, didn’t have 2 months plus of civil unrest in dozens of cities, didn’t have 2 trillion dollar deficits per year, and didn’t have a pandemic sweeping the nation.

All of that is happening now, under Trump’s America!


So Trump has no plan to stop it yet is lying when he was if relected he will?

He has no plan and no idea??

For the 93+ days why hasn’t the democrat mayors stopped when they are able to stop it? they are using this to blame it on Trump think it about. Its the mayor and the city councils who gave orders for the police to stand down and let these rioters with criminal records go without bail.

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80’s and 90’s NYC is as less violent than now?

When was the last time you have been to NYC?

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I am sure the empathy Biden will stop it like Obama and Biden stopped ISIS right?

around 1990 i think i remember maybe there were crimes back then to we had no internet though so i didnt remember much i was young then.

Why are you taking about ISIS, Im asking why under Trump’s America, when he has shown he can’t stop civil unrest, high unemployment, pandemics, and race riots why any one would relect him?


When attempting to navigate through insanity, one must know the difference first and…you lose. :sunglasses:

So the crack epidemic in the 80’s for NYC was better than today?

So what’s happening now is not under Trump’s America?? I’m confused. Is he not president today?
If he can solve it if relected why not solve it now?
If he can’t solve it now, why would he be able to solve it in 3 months?

10+ unemployment, trillion dollars Deficit, pandemic sweeping the nation, civil unrest, all happening NOW, under Trump’s America!
True or false

Biden is stuck inside his “fine people” delusions, and he still has not denounced Antifa.

At the same time that he is attacking Trump, he has never condemned rabid anti-Semites Ilhan Omar and Richard Spenser, who have both endorsed him.

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Stop telling people he can fix stuff.

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You don’t remember crime in NYC because you didn’t have internet?!?


I remember 1990.

There was hardly an Internet then.

Compuserve. 1/2 hr uploads. Bumped by phone calls. Hell, I was on Compuserve.

Only thing you could do was ‘front porch’ bulletin boards.

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Not even close. Obama saw 41 shootings under his rein. Ferguson and Baltimore were also under his administration. Lib lies are aquashed on the hannity forum.

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its libs agenda racism, recession, and Russia. Rinse and repeat.

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So your position is the civil unrest is no different then it was under obama?

Cause Trump is out there saying it’s bad and only he can fix it… Even though he hasn’t yet

It is occurring in Democrat run states. Trump needs to just assure the states that don’t approve of violence that he will assist them if needed.
But that assistance wont be needed. There are places in this country where leftists mobs taking over part of a city and burning down buildings is frowned upon. Rioters and looters know that. They don’t riot and loot there.

Portland told the Federal government to basically get out of town. That and what has happened since is on Portland, not Trump. Do you want him to send in troops to Oregon the way it was handled in 1860?

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