Biden the NATO Traitor

He has a fear of a moscovy only country. He expressed it yesterday during a public meeting.

This may be part of what’s driving him too.

But the truth is Russia is a half century away form falling apart and shrinking down to Moscow and at Petersburg. It’s well on its way there

Hell, Petrograd might join Konigsburg and fully join Europe.

Yep. Finland is just too cold. :joy:


Yep. They can’t control that landmass forever. A lot of the regional minorities have wanted out since the time of the Tsar.

A Ukrainian insurgency, especially one that wins, would hasten that exponentially. Every minority group would realize that they can beat Moscow if they are willing to sacrifice enough. The russian forces, as formidable as they are against their neighbors, wouldn’t be able to contain a series of mass insurgencies all across Russia simultaneously.

It would also drastically alter the dynamics of Eastern Europe, because the very Catholic countries of Poland, Lithuania, Romania and Hungary - which have very recently rejiggered themselves as unitary Catholic-identity states - would now have millions of fellow-travellers under the yoke of the Bear.

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Hey do you support the green new deal? You can kiss that good bye if Russia owns 70% of the worlds cobalt.

I like it, but at the most the Russians would really only be interested in the Russian east and maybe a defendable land route to Sevastopol. The Dnieper river would make a good border. That and bitch slapping the Ukronazis.

It’s so much more than that

  1. Russia owns Eastern Europe’s largest oil pipeline in the Druhzba

  2. own the worlds largest gas pipeline in Nordstream

  3. if they get Ukraine they would own the majority of cobalt reserves in the world.

They would literally have a complete monopoly on oil and gas, and the Electric Car industry.

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No, a Ukrainian Orthodox led one. Not that the Catholic Ukrainians won’t be right there with them.

It could be less than that. Yugoslavia crumbled when a very long serving strongman died. Russia was crumbling when Putin took over. Who will be the new Russian strongman after him and will he be able to hold it all together when Putin is gone?

Actually I disagree. I would tell our European friends to stop putting American interest/security for your own damn expansionist interest. Because that’s precisely what our so-called European friends are doing. I’ve ■■■■■■■ had it with them running our foreign policy.

I can’t believe I’m agreeing with you…but that’s the reality of it. Some here are saying what say Ukraine have…well I see it that they’re demanding a say in our foreign policy.

If other European countries want to provide arms to Ukraine insurgency…more power to em.

where are you getting this info from…not from anything I’m seeing.

I think he meant European. Oil and gas would be referring to Europe as well.

He mention it couple times…referring to cobalt.

As for gas…Europeans shouldn’t have banned fracking. Developed more nuclear and even coal. They have plenty of coal.

Biden is an expert negotiator and is cosmopolitan in his sophisticated approach to international matters. Accordingly, he has integrated into his methods those of a previous expert statesman… Neville Chamberlain, the great appeaser.

Ukraine can expect Hunter to paint them a picture that says “peace in our time” and “never to go to war with one another again.”

Oh how the people wanted to believe that old fool!

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Not with the idiot Biden in the WH! We had an America first CIC who put, and would have kept, NATO, China & Russia in line now we have nothing but America last dumb and dumber in charge beholding to China and afraid of Russia and probably don’t even know what NATO is!

The Tourette’s was asleep for four years. Worst ever, horrible. Blah blah. The record is on repeat

I’m not so worried about them.

It’s the alliances we all (as westerners) share with portions of Latin America and Asia. The multilateral stuff.

If the West was to do nothing after openly declaring that it would fight against Russian aggression, it would make us look incredibly weak.

Which is why I don’t support any such declaration. Let the Russians get drawn into the meat grinder on their own.

In fairness to Chamberlain, he drastically changed his tune after Hitler took all of Czechoslovakia instead of just the Sudetenland.

He and the labor party were responsible for putting Britain on an overnight stampede to produce war material and expand the British Army, Royal Air Force, and Royal Navy.

Biden probably isn’t humble enough to admit when he’s wrong. He gives off that vibe of superiority.

Chamberlain was humble enough to admit the mistake and worked overtime to get Britain ready for war. He definitely regretted Munich.

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