Biden the NATO Traitor

Of course not, but we need them to get out of the grips of Russian oligarchs, because they are poisoning our politics with their influence. They want to keep stealing from the Ukrainians and are willing to channel as much money as possible over here to influence that outcome.

Which means they get a gas company to hire Biden’s son, they also hire Conservatives to find dirt on Biden’s son. Which led to Trump’s first impeachment. All of this mess is at the hands of Russians desperate to keep their interests in Ukraine protected. There is a LOT of money to steal there. And as long as they stay there our democracy is at risk.

Are you willing to trade Kiev for New York though?

They are already here, and they are buying politicians and lawyers. Buying condos from Trump, etc. They own Guiliani, they own Flynn and they own Manafort. Yanukovych and Firtash have their hands all over our politics, on both sides, and their goal is to keep bilking Ukraine, by whatever means it takes.

If you think by allowing the Russians to take Ukraine these guys will start staying away, you are kidding yourself. They have poisoned the well and they like the taste.

A free and Democratic Ukraine, one that is not in NATO, should be the goal here. Get the oligarchs out, stop their attempts at poisoning our democracy and let those people enjoy the bounties their country has to offer.

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Not talking about any of the other posters on this forum, but it’s amazing how few people even know about this.

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That’s some conspiracy theory you got going there…even blaming Trump for it all.

Well done.

Talk about being conditioned. Sound like rambling from Joe Biden.

Nowhere in my posts did I blame Trump. I blame the Oligarchs who have been stirring the pot here for a long time, trying to find folks who will allow them to continue bilking that country out of billions of dollars. Trump is a businessman, he will make a profit out of anyone who is willing to give him one. And he isn’t the most ethical person, by a long shot.

These guys hired Conservative lawyers and lobbyists and promised Trump dirt on Biden’s son, and Biden was the only Democrat Trump honestly feared, and for good reason. Trump played with Ukraine, withheld needed military supplies in exchange for them opening a public inquiry into Hunter Biden, and they refused. All of this was orchestrated by lawyers funded by Russian Oligarchs, including Guiliani.

This wasn’t all Trump’s doing, he was offered something and he took it because he didn’t want to lose to Biden. And it all fell apart because the new President of Ukraine wouldn’t play ball.

These Oligarchs have no side in this except their own. Trump was just a willing partner but if the President was a Democrat, they would pull the exact same stunt. They are the threat here.


More articles are out there.

There doesn’t have to be a war! Trump never got us in a new war but he did show peace through strength! Why do countries always feel compelled in Eastern Europe to attack when a liberal is president.

There is a fine line between expansionism and being Neville Chamberlin. Say Russia gets Ukraine and they position themselves near Kazikstan or Kyrgistan, what next?

Fevered fantasies of a supposed Russian fascination with occupation/domination of the world aside, so what?

Hey didn’t Chamberlin at one point say that Germany was not an existential threat? What happens when Russia starts adding on? Kazikstan , krygistan, Czech nations. What then? Sending troops and waving at the border won’t result in a war unless Russia is stupid! The reason Russia is doing this is because they feel unopposed.

Here’s to hoping the 2022 mids bring us a Republican majority in both houses of Congress with the first order of business once all members are sworn in is to bring legitimate Articles of Impeachment forward and remove this ■■■■■■■ from office.
Once Harris assumes office impeach her useless arse as well before the movers even show up at Blair House.

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Funny how libs are ok with Russia controlling eastern Europe’s lithium cobalt reserves. Don’t they know this will impact their precious Tesla prices? And the cobalt Russia doesn’t have, they are buying alongside China with their energy companies.

Well except for the first part none of this fantasy is going to happen.

So here is to fantasy.

“Legitimate”? On what grounds?

Look at y’all! Being all pragmatic and what not!