Biden supporters. Why are you STILL angry and violent?

Silly suckers being upset by rioting and cities burning, rubes. So what if a few cops eat a molatov.

They are anarchists…tied to no form of government…hatred of all government.

Zan, what are you talking about?

No different than right wing looney’s, who still get attached to the right.


We all know the difference.

Don’t start playing the victim role all of a sudden.

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I agree. Things have gotten incredibly hateful. As someone who is fairly serious myself, I have even grown to become more aggressive than I usually am. More hostile. I’ve learned how to troll. It’s contagious- the attitudes of the people around you often influence those within yourself. But now we can’t do that because of a select few who feel entitled to their victim complex of being minorities, of being black, of being female (as a female I can debunk this on most scenarios), of being a poor Biden supporter.

Weak-minded people sink lower than that of their aggressors. So if Trump supporters and Trump himself are so hateful, so vindictive, so violent, then why on Earth would you want to submit to that kind of level and be what you hate?

What is the difference we all know? And playing the victim? I am pretty sure I am neither a left or right wing looney.


No, just qualified to point out the loony In others right?

Did I call someone a looney? Oh yeah, I think I did, I think people who riot, loot and burn down businesses are looney, silly me.

Sure but the implication is all libs are.


Nope, my wife and daughters are libs and I think they are great people, just a bit naive. The founders had it right, society functions best with individual liberty and commerce.

I am sure they are…and honestly…so are you. I usually…usually appreciate what you have to say. Even if I disagree.

I agree…but sometimes…we need reminders about what’s right. No?

Sure, but do we need it from the feds?

When the states can’t agree…maybe one plan or one thought is better than 50.

You are a conservative right? Why am I having to argue with you about whether state and local control is better than top down central control by the fed? Kind of a rock bottom conservative principal there.

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Yes I am a conservative, and on the big picture, I believe Government jacks up our freedoms all the time…but I am also pragmatic about things like public health. If thinking that the common good might mean being told to wear a seat belt, or mask…then I can live with. That makes me less of a conservative?

It’s not like the Government is telling me I can’t have beer and pizza.

If they can tell you to wear a mask, they can tell you not to drink beer or eat pizza. Do I need to illustrate the public health benefits?

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I think it’s just good common sense not to drink beer and eat pizza while wearing a mask.

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But totally makes sense to have to wear a mask on your way to the table but then be able to remove it.