Biden supporters. Why are you STILL angry and violent?

Before election
“All these violent protestors are Biden supporters. Dont let him win under this threat”

Biden supporters “We have condemned the violence. They are anarchaist. They are outside the political process. They don’t support any candidate”

Today “Why are Biden Supporters Still angry and Violent”

Biden Supporters - “We have condemned the violence. They are anarchaist. They are outside the political process. They don’t support any candidate”

Next week “Look at this video. Its Biden Supporters”

(Want to guess my answer?)
Biden Supporters - “We have condemned the violence. They are anarchaist. They are outside the political process. They don’t support any candidate”


I did - stayed off the forums for the week leading up to Tuesday. It was needed.

His transition website is up and running. He thinks he has.

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Of course they would want some extreme leftist or communist dictator, but they are sure not Trump supporters. Make it clear, these people don’t represent Biden supporters but when they vote it isn’t going to be for Trump.

“Earlier this week, organizers said they were going to demonstrate regardless of the outcome of the election, using chants such as, “Don’t let Trump steal the election,” and, “A Biden win will not give the freedom we demand.”
Organizers said they want to see Biden win, but that it won’t immediately change the lives of oppressed people and all the issues they face”

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How do you know they are Biden maniacs?


Not Biden supporters. Got it! Thank you for agreeing. Perhaps let the OP know as well. Thanks…

This is who they are, today’s Democrat party.

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It happened under Obama there’s no reason to think it’s not gonna happen under Biden. BLM didn’t start under Trump it started while Obama was president.

It’s like my retarded younger sister I have to try to explain it to, who is so far brainwashed on the left, she blames the Ferguson riots on Donald Trump.

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Bull crap. Wear a Biden shirt around them and see what happens. Then try a MAGA hat. Did you know that Antifa was founded as a response to Trump? They claimed he was a fascist.

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Nope. Nothing even close to this kind of violence happened under Obama. Neighborhoods didn’t burn every night for months. You sir, are incorrect.

Antifa has been in the US since the 70’s

You are wrong (AGAIN).

Truth is - the people doing violence are not supporters of any party or candidate. They are outside the political system, which is why they riot.

Tha’ts your answer. They are outside the political system…just like trump will be on Jan 21st!

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Some very impressive tap dancing in this thread. Perhaps if the Democrats that ran the areas in these clips actually wanted to clamp down on this, those protesters wouldn’t be accused of being “Biden Rioters.” I personally don’t believe any of the supporters in this thread condone this conduct.

No. You don’t get it. Not at all. That part of your brain that controls common sense has been taken over by politics. You’re in denial. Liberals loathe the police. They want to defund the police. Sorry, but these nit wits are yours.

Ever notice that only conservative news sites cover this on a regular basis? Any idea why?

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Nothing even close to this kind of violence happened under Obama. Neighborhoods didn’t burn every night for months. You sir, are incorrect. You own these jerks.

Ever notice that only conservative news sites cover this on a regular basis? Any idea why?

Of course I know why. Their target audience is easily manipulated by their fear and emotions. It helps them to generate more clicks or views, which pads their bottom line. It is not rocket surgery. :rofl:


Well - ONE of us has been wrong a lot this past month -And its the same guy who started another dumb thread with no substance and full of info.


Yep. Unless you consider Biden voters and people who want Biden to win over Trump to be Biden supporters. What I was saying is that I do not want to use these people as representative of all Biden supporters, but supporters of Biden over Trump they are.


No these people are leftist. Biden is with them about defunding the police. So their Biden voters.

Because they aren’t biden supporters. That is a hoax Trump has perpetrated.

Look carefully. They have nothing to do with Biden.

Sounds like a raging case of BDS though.

Really…when did that happen? Only guy claiming victory has been Don.