Biden supporters. Why are you STILL angry and violent?

Not to me. Haven’t been to a restaurant for that very reason.

Me either. dopes. Wife and I do a weekend drive and get curbside at a new restaurant every weekend, works for me.

Since Biden has publicly stated many times (and it’s even on his website) that not only is he against defining the police, his plan calls for increased funding for police that do certain things

Once again, Trumpers failure to grasp the most basic facts means their entire argument is invalid.

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They are outside of the political spectrum. They are no more Biden supporters than they are Trump supporters. But you keep on pushing the false narrative.

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Pssst…he’s not.

Yeah…because you know me. I chose not to support a failed president…a person who has no moral fiber. And because of that you think you know me…and who I am. Fail.

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So what was your reason for not supporting the other R presidents before him while agreeing with everything left?

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