Biden sharply hikes US tariffs on an array of Chinese imports

Go back to school and study capitalism 101 and stop regurgibleating sheoplized nonsense.

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so can a tarriff

Of course it is government driven. And when a candidate for the Presidency promises the top execs from oil and gas that if they give him $1B in donations he will tilt the regulatory playing field entirely in their favor one can see how much the unregulated flow of money into election funds has corrupted everything.

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Because the only evidence of it are publicized meetings and the overlap of aides.

You know i wish the Obama cabal controlled him. I want Obama’s second term. Let’s go.

Think about that.

There is always overlap of aides. Even the Trump admin had aides from the dubya admin.

I have to agree with Auto, it’s to a point right now that advance chips production is every bit as important to oil production for national security.

And this is coming from someone that doesn’t like subsidies. But when it comes to national security we have to make some concession.

Personally I don’t think 14 percent of chip production is enough unless that 14 percent is top of the line chips.

Not expert on chips, but aware the importance of em when it comes to technology advantages.

It’s also a great way to blame Obama for the current state of the country

Thanks Obama!

That’s kind of ironic coming from China don’t you think?

Considering how China conducts it’s own business.

Indeed they are.


When they worked for Obama, they were held somewhat in check. Obama was smart and nobody wanted to damage the legacy of the first black president.

Brandon is not smart and nobody cares about his legacy.

You think Obama and Clyburne don’t talk?

Really? The only?

It’s the same course of action Obama had. The same fundamental transformation.

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Except the economy was stellar. The same economy was called a boom during the trump admin



It’s all innuendo.

Possibly may be. Etc

Now if you want to argue that Obama’s prior stuff and cabinet have am agenda that’s being executed through Joe then sure.

The idea that Obama wants to still be in control is there to feed the rights need to call him a tyrant. Etc.

It’s the same nonsense that purports that Michele is going to run for president.

Depends on where materials are mined and created.

What are you talking about?

I said that trying to assert that Obama is in control is a way to blame the current economy on Obama. But this doesn’t match Obama’s economy.

No it wasn’t. Don’t gaslight.