Biden sharply hikes US tariffs on an array of Chinese imports

Second term. Name one indicator that wasn’t called a boom during the Trump admin that didn’t match Obama’s second term. It’s all anecdotes and emotion. “Well i had it much worse etc “

I don’t think is Obama is in control. He’s a strong, very strong influencer. And he has his people in key spots.

It always amuses me how people think there have to be meetings in caves and what not. That’s not how it works. It’s much more subtle and ingrained.

They all basically think alike anyway. They’ve all had the same indoctrination. They all have the same faith and follow the same dogma, with minor variations.

A well placed “Obama had success doing this” is all it takes.

You can really see it play out in wuxia movies that focus on emperors and courts.

It’s fascinating.

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I agree fully along with the rest of your post

Housing didn’t come back until mid 2014…meanwhile whole lot of other business moved offshore.

Anymore questions?

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And Brandon is easily manipulated.

That would be second term. Thanks for making my point b

It wasn’t a boom.

Oh if you where selling Chinese product sure.

Don’t gaslight me FC.

Meanwhile during that period lost of skilled tradesmen declined drastically.

Meanwhile between 2000 to 2010 33 percent of American manufacturing went overseas…mostly to China.

And it only accelerated.

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Nobody is gaslighting you. The numbers are there. You brought up an example from Obama’s second term. I will give Trump credit where it’s due like the drop in unemployment of .2 percent even though it plateaued under Obama. But ignoring Obama’s second term as a strong economy is silly.

Just think of it this way. 2009 we imported 300 billion from China. 2018 550 billion.

Did American economy or industry doubled during that period? No…it was basically a lost decade.

Obama did nothing while Americans were bleeding out…nothing.

How do you think Trump got elected?

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Oh…neither had Bush.

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Yeah on nothing. The record growth the plummeting unemployment the growing wage a nothing

It’s a fantasy world where Trump ran the economy perfectly while his numbers match Obama’s second term nearly identically. And i am not even talking about covid but from 2017-2019

Thats Obama second term and Trump

Yep steady growth in wages in both term.

the same thing can be achieved with a tarriff without taking my money to pay for something I’m not buying.

And he’s not talking about chips, that was an example (a valid one as you state). He’s talking about EV’s. Why the hell should there be a 40K subsidy for each EV sold? If you want an EV, pay full freight. Nobody helped me buy my Impala.

There are reasons to have subsidies. All of them have at least a tangential connection to national security

  1. critical national resources
  2. critical manufacturing capacity
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Getting desperate. I understand you really want to believe Obama save us all…only if you were a geek/nerd.

Oh…no subsidies for EV. That’s not national security issue IMO.

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How is pointing to the exact numbers for the period we were discussing getting desperate.


I got a chuckle from the narrative spinning in this NPR piece. EVs are wonderful for the environment, but that is only true for the expensive US-made ones.

At the same time unsold Teslas are piling up in parking lots as inventories continue to increase.

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