Biden rips the salaries of WNBA players!

This is an entertainment venue. If the women start attracting the same levels of interest as the men, the pay will scale. Using Biden’s logic, Vanilla Ice should be paid as much as Taylor Swift.

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Biden’s nothing but a virtue signaling ■■■■■■■ idiot who can’t even define what a woman is. Here’s what James Dolan had to say:

Take the New York Knicks for example. The Knicks are the most valuable franchise in the NBA, worth approximately $4 billion. Until 2019, the owner of the WNBA’s New York Liberty was the Knicks’ very own James Dolan.

Dolan said to the Washington Post:

“[The Liberty] hasn’t made money,” James Dolan, chairman of franchise owner Madison Square Garden company, told HBO’s “Real Sports” program in 2015, adding that he was considering handing his franchise back to WNBA leadership to cut his losses. “Its prospects of making money, at that time and even today, are still slim.”

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Dumbass needs to leave EVERYTHING alone. He needs to get out of the way.

Caitlin Clark’s endorsements – Nike, State Farm, Gatorade, Xfinity and Panini, will net her millions of dollars. Her WNBA salary will be a fraction of her total income.

Well at least trannys have a place to go to. Lets go brandon!

Just ask yourself why women are willing to pay more to watch other women destroy each other on Real Housewives and less to watch women band together to achieve a common goal and you will solve the pay disparity.

Need to know your audience.


I am confused about your compliant here.

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He doesn’t know a “darn” thing about business because he has never had a real job in his whole life.

“Grifter” doesn’t count!

But he has this cool gig where he gets 10% on every sale!

Seriously that clown has never built a thing in his life…he’s a lifelong professional politician who’s life’s work has been feeding off of the collective teat of the taxpayers…and who’s benefiting from a very profitable side gig with his son and his brother peddling influence in his name.

Joe Biden could no more run a sports franchise than he can a country…the difference being in the private sector the people who owned the business he would be running into the ground would have fired his sorry ass by now. Instead we have to listen to his dipstick supporters lie about how wonderful he is and what a fabulous job he’s doing.

It’s a free country that idiot Biden can comment on anything he wants…the ■■■■ he says is so stupid I’m not sure why anyone cares…

But given all the stuff that’s going wrong in the world on his watch you’d think maybe the corrupt senile old liar in chief could find more important things to worry about.


it was “mild” but otherwise nothing but lies.

don’t worry though he didnt write it.

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he does not know how to run anything but his loud lying mouth. he’s been in govt practically all his useless life

this is evident in his adherence to the same lefty sophistries of what people should be psid

“her fair share” is meaningless. what she’s worth is what matters.


Totally off the thread topic but….

Term limits!

“her fair share” is meaningless. what she’s worth is what matters.”

You are correct … libs don’t get that part. The WNBA has created value for women who play basketball…a small number have found careers after college. But the league as a whole has never been profitable…it’s a subsidized game courtesy of the men’s side.

I love seeing women get the opportunities…but the marketplace determines the value of the work…at least it should. Left wing corrupt o crats like Joe Biden don’t get that…(which probably explains a whole host of lib dumbassery that we’ve had to live with over the last three + years.).


Well you can say that about the NBA as well

WNBA currently is not a good product. Woman’s College Basketball is a much better product right now. The current crop of recently drafted women will make the WNBA a bit more popular but I am not sure it will be enough to make any meaningful swing in avg salaries.

NBA operated in the red for long time before Jordan, Magic, Bird era. Maybe WNBAs moment is right now with Clark, Brink, Reese.

In short, I disagree with anyone stating what the WNBA players should make. I think they make what is appropriate for their league. If people have a problem with it, they should start going to games, buying merch and watching them on TV.

This whole conversation is an object lesson in what’s wrong with America

Lots of real problems we face, and our leaders and the media try to get us to take sides over whether billionaires are treating hundredthousandaires/millionaires who get paid to play games fairly


Statements from elite multimillionaire libs like “fair share” are intended for low information and low intelligence people with the purpose of inspiring anger and hatred in them towards the “man” who just want to keep us all down! It’s just more of the typical hatemongering that defines today’s Democrat Party.

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Are the ones who are constantly trying to tell Trump supporters that multi-billionaire Trump is taking lumps from the government so they don’t have to peddling to low information voters too?

Peddling to low info voters is what politicians do.

Women…people in general…need to do what Taylor Swift did.

She’s always been popular, but only recently got control over her own brand.

Once that happened, the sky was the limit for her. Lover her or hate her.

Now not everyone can be Taylor Swift, but you have to get as much control over your own brand as you can.

Because no laws will make “the elites” do anything other than pay you as little as they can and still retain your services.


I don’t think that is correct. Some teams still lose money, but the league? I’m pretty sure that’s wrong.

They didn’t even have to build arenas.

In three years (1946-1949) teams started turning a prifit.

By 1949, the NBA had turned a corner. The league was up to 17 teams, more than doubling what it was. Teams were turning profits. The rebranding to the NBA was complete.

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Some people don’t know about Havlicek, Russell

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