Biden releases 'gender equity' plan that calls for eliminating cash bail

Rights are not men, rghts don’t have to live up to anything. Men (and women) on the other hand must be prepared to defend their natural rights, especially from other men, and women, who would seek to take them away.

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Yet they fought the English crown around the high ideals of these rights of man that cannot be taken away… and then what happened?

Again your hung up on the people instead of the right. Every person must be prepared to defend their own natural rights. A person may fail in that defense, but that person failing does not invalidate the existence of the rights, it just demonstrates that rights must be defended from oppressors.

Hey… You brought the American Revolution into this.

Like the natural right of body autonomy. Who wins that fight?

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Some see a forest, some see trees, some both, some neither.

Hey… I wouldn’t make a 15 year old rape victim carry a baby to term… so that is my forest.

Reality says, if you are dead, you can’t exercise any other rights.

It’s not rocket science.

Yes that’s true but what rights can you exercise (i can never spell this dang word) if you lose your liberty without due process. I am not saying this is as common as abortion but the loss of any right that is subject to protection from the actions of a state take away from life or Liberty or pursuit of happiness or right to free or speech or to bear arms to be secure in one’s home or to be secure in one’s body.

Nails it.


“should be forced”

What a sick view of humanity.

Rape is sick.

Should the State require a 15 year old rape victim to carry to term?

There is no “but”.

Without the right to life, no other right matters.

Of course they do. What Kind of life is there if one can’t pursue happiness or enjoy freedom of speech or more importantly those two be free without due process

The people around her should support her to carry it to term.

It’s a tough life when you expect “the state” to tell you what to do.

Your question implies that you’re better off dead if some entity violates one of those rights against you. :man_shrugging:

They don’t want to.

They would rather not a 15 year old girl have to carry the product of a rape to term.

Should the State disallow this?

My question implies what I have been saying all along. Rights are important. While death most certainly erases ability to exercise any right. Life without some of the rights that are protected against government intrusion is not much of a life.

The right to bear arms is just as important as the right to free speech or the right to privacy. All are sacrosanct.

Thus you’re showing why “her choice” is a fallacy.

Often true. Goes back to what I said about us devolving into a sick society.

do you support welfare and adoption funding to support that 15 year old new mother who now has a child?

Should the State disallow a 15 year old rape victim from terminating her pregnancy?