Biden releases 'gender equity' plan that calls for eliminating cash bail

Stop trying to deflect.

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Deflection is a bit off. I am trying to figure out where they are ranked. Fine not bear arms, the right to privacy ie to be secure in one’s own body without government interference.

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It’s a valid question, given your broad, universalist declaration.

By the way legally speaking (which is what this is) dead have certain rights and death creates rights but that’s all just for legal nerds.

Our inalienable rights are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. You are confusing the Bill of Rights ( a set of constitutional restrictions on the power of government) for the inalienable rights granted by God (or by simply existing if you don’t believe in God).

A deceased person has to have had the ability to express and record their wishes to be fulfilled after their death. And I would be careful, as you are going to cross into arguing that a deceased unborn child has rights.

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No, bud, the confusion is in your wobbly deployment of ‘rights’ as a political signifier, instead of what they are in fact and practice: concessions power must make to retain power.

“Inalienable rights” are on par with the tooth fairy and other lies told to children to help them cope with cruel fate, or everyday loss

Yeah no i am not. Like i said that’s just for nerds. I am more interested in the rankings.

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Inalienable rights, also know as natural rights, are not granted by government. You have them the moment you exist. You exist the moment the two living gamete bond to form the zygote, the first living cell of the new unique human being. This living human will develop and age until either natural causes, or the hand of another ends it’s life.

Question then.

Should a 15 year old rape victim be forced to carry to term?

The English Crown agreed with you in 1776. Reality proved different.

Did the child she is carrying rape her?

So I suppose the answer is yes.

A 15 year old rape victim should be forced to carry to term.

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The American Revolution did not establish inalienable rights for all.

That took nearly 200 more years.

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This is a fact, whether or not you need myths of national origin to soothe yourself in the face of it: rights are not innate.

According to the above theory, women always had the right of free association, movement, self-possession and franchise, but just collectively failed to use them.

Well there goes Descartes :innocent:

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The revolution was a demonstration of the inalienable rights in action. Those natural rights predate human civilization.

They were really terrible at living up to those ideals.

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They always did have the natural rights, they just often failed to defend them.

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