Biden officially launches bid for President

I’m still waiting for those damn FISA warrants.

And I made NO mention of popular vote.

I showed you the ONLY vote that counts in the US presidential election.

306 to 232

She failed miserably in her election campaign. That vote total says it all.

I believe I was the one who mentioned the popular vote.


And I pointed out in US elections, popular vote is irrelevant. It’s the Electoral vote that counts.

I heard his cousin’s wife’s newphew’s brother-in-law’s niece’s roommate twice removed once got a speeding ticket.

Right-wing talk radio and punditry want their 2012 talking point back.

No doubt you were overly incensed back then at the same wolf-crying, right?

We could continue to play this game whilst I watch a documentary on the Memphis Belle. I am not sure who you think is arguing what the electoral college vote was.

About, what, 80k popular votes in a handful of states decided the last election? It won’t take much to tip that the other way.

The Hillary / Trump election was an entirely different election. The nomination was basically given to Hillary. She didn’t have to fight for it. Thus, she went into the general not as battle ready as Trump was. That, added to her other baggage, made her a very weak candidate.

Whoever wins the nomination in 2020 is going to have to fight multiple people for it. Additionally, I can’t really think of anyone who has the amount of baggage that Hillary had. That means the 2020 candidate will be a lot stronger.

That means Trump is going to have a much more difficult fight on his hands in 2020.

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19th amendment of the Constitution of the United States. Pick one up.

She’s a disgusting glob.

Biden can alter that slogan just a wee bit

Grope and Change


Just keep the little girls away from him in front of the camera and he outta do swell in spite of what’s already out on YouTube.

Just another slip of the tongue.


Maybe consideration should be given for electoral reform to truly reflect the will of the people and adopt the principle that each person’s vote should be equal. Maybe even change the day from Tuesday to a Saturday.

Why should we take advice of Australian…who clearly has no understand the reason behind electoral college?

Did you mean advice or advise? It is a very confusing post if you meant advise.

Fixed…so answer the question. Why should we take advice from Australian who doesn’t have clue of American political process or as why electoral college was created?

“The most important election of our time!”

She also won the popular vote in all six of the New England States, which are far away from California. And they say that we have the Electoral College to give small States a voice.