Biden Investigated for Classified Documents!

It’s national security, which branch is that? Hint, the President is commander in chief.


This isn’t the Warren court, far from it.

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Is that why Biden had classified documents from his time as VP and when he was a senator that he had no right to have…because it was “inadvertent “?

“ Washington — GOP Rep. Mike Turner, the top Republican on the House Intelligence Committee, said Sunday that he cannot think of a reason for President Biden to have documents bearing classification markings from his time as vice president and senator at his Delaware home.

“This is a real critical question to all this — why did he have these documents to begin with?” Turner said in an interview with “Face the Nation.” "And that is why the special counsel’s work is going to be really important, because I can think of no reason why the president should have taken home, as a senator or as vice president, any classified documents”. GOP Rep. Mike Turner "can think of no reason" for Biden to have documents marked classified at home - CBS News

MARK LEVIN (HOST): There is judicial precedent for what I’m about to say. The president is different than anybody else in the Executive Branch, period. Different than the vice president. Why? Because his power to classify and declassify whatever he wishes, whenever he wishes isn’t statutory. It isn’t regulatory. It’s not some guideline out of the National Security Council or the CIA. It is constitutionally based. It is constitutionally authorized.

He and only he is the commander in chief. He and only he has plenary power over the Executive Branch. He is at the top of the hill on the Executive Branch, not the vice president. So he can classify or declassify at will.

This has to do with the power to take classified information with you, in this case. And now people say, but Trump never made his intentions known, he didn’t follow the rules. There are no rules for the President of the United States. He doesn’t have to follow any rules. He’s the head of the Executive Branch.

Now, that said, you can certainly imply by his actions that’s what he intended to do. If he says, I took the documents, and by my taking the documents, they’re declassified, who’s to dispute it?



Biden’s ■■■■ needs its own thread…because Joe Biden is a despicable POS…

“ WASHINGTON — The FBI source who reported President Biden’s alleged role in a bribery scheme said that a Ukrainian businessman claimed to keep as “insurance” 15 audio recordings of first son Hunter Biden and two of Joe Biden, a Republican senator revealed Monday.… Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) made the staggering claim in a Senate floor speech after FBI Director Christopher Wray last week allowed House Oversight Committee members to see a redacted informant file about the claim that Hunter and then-Vice President Joe Biden received $5 million apiece to serve the interests of Burisma Holdings owner Mykola Zlochevsky.… “Congress still lacks a full and complete picture with respect to what that document really says. That’s why it’s important that the document be made public without unnecessary redactions for the American people to see,” said Grassley, accusing the bureau of needlessly redacting information about the recordings from the file shared with House lawmakers.” Burisma boss in alleged Biden bribe scheme claims to have 15 taped conversations with Hunter, 2 with Joe: Grassley

We need to discuss Biden’s crimes and the Biden crime family on their own…is it such a stretch to think that lying clown was sneaking out classified materials for use in the family business of selling out the country?

Sorry to upset the nice polite “ole Joe his intent was different…” thread.

Yeah…his intent was very different…he’s sold his soul to the Chinese and Ukrainians and Romanians and God knows who else. Are those millions from Ukraine the reason we’ve poured billions into that conflict…perhaps at the expense of our ability to stand up to China over Taiwan?

The Biden’s are the most corrupt people to ever live in the White House in my opinion.

Biden crime family again! Most corrupt! Just like the other dem who dared to occupy the White House before him! :joy:

There goes that “it’s only the beginning of the investigation” thing again. Right out the window. All for the sake of ranting.

Presumption of innocence are just words some of you like to use unless it’s for people you don’t like.

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I have several employees in my store. Been there for 5-10 years. Never a theft problem. I hire a new employee and suddenly the petty cash box comes up short multiple times over the period of a month.

Common sense would tell me to look closely at the new employee.

I can’t prove it is the new employee, but when I fire them no more petty cash theft.

We have enough common sense to see all that has been presented strongly suggests illegal behavior. I can’t see creating LLC’s that have no business enterprise being funneled to family members for any reason whatsoever.

It reeks of money laundering.

Yes you are the descerning patriots who can’t seem to differentiate between evidence and innuendo.

It reeks because you weee told it reeks. You have. No idea

It reeks because it has all of the earmarks of money laundering.

Well someone is ranting!

Because you were told it has all the earmarks of money laundering.

Remember it’s only the beginning of the investigation

And some of you already reached conclusions while simultaneously arguing that it is only the beginning of the investigation and that presumption of innocence is important. Apparently only for people you support.


You have no idea what I think or how I reach my conclusions. Knock of with the condescending attitude.

This is where the condescension kicked in. Hence the condescension in response.

You don’t even notice anymore when you indirectly claim being more discerning than those with whom you are debating.

Yes I believe the Biden’s to be a criminal enterprise…

Has that been proven yet? To a legal standard…no.

We aren’t in a court of law. We are discussing opinions.

Is there evidence to support my opinion?

Yes…Biden’s multiple lies about his relationship with his son’s businesses…photographs audio texts and emails courtesy of the laptop…the testimony of Hunter’s business partner…the evidence that has been uncovered by the oversight committee after only a few short months of investigation…now the whistleblower documents and the apparent existence of tape recorded conversations with both Joe and Hunter regarding $10 million in bribes coming from Ukraine…

I would suggest that given the existing evidence if we swopped out the names Joe Jim and Hunter with Don, Eric, and Don jr you hypocrites would be calling for public execution…

So step off your damn high horse.

And by the way…your veiled Obama references are stupid…we are currently living in 2023.


Common sense is not condescension.

He’s on my ignore list for a reason…I looked at his comments to see what you were responding to and found the normal predictable nonsense.


Of course not. Stating that you have enough common sense to reach a conclusion is though. Because it’s in comparison to those who can’t.

See the post by @Rodeo above mine for reference

A badge of honor :heart_hands: