Biden Investigated for Classified Documents!

It seems like people here really want to discuss Joe Biden’s handling of classified documents, so we should have a thread. He’s been under investigation since January. Here’s an update:

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Have any libs here complained about Biden being investigated? Does it feel like victimization, political prosecution from DINOs and a AG who’s a member of the Federalist Society?


Certain people are too busy playing the victim card to realize that justice is actually being dispensed with a totally even hand.


I’m ok with both Pence and Biden getting investigated for it by DOJ.


The difference between Biden/Pence and Trump is ultimately intent. Trump has damned himself by his own very words.

Biden/Pence’s wrongdoing, if any, may likely be determined to be inadvertent and if they are criminally sanctioned, it is likely to reflect that.

You should probably have used the words Department of Injustice and cried about defunding DOJ, CIA, FBI.


I’ve put out extra Biden flags to show my support.

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I like discussing all classified document malefeasance in one thread.

It’s weird: people are eager to talk about Biden in the Trump thread, and want to force others to talk about Biden, yet . . . Not here?

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:rofl: They accidentally did it?

How about “The One and Only Classified Document” thread.

Why would they?

For the same reason pro-Trump people dismiss all non-Trump Republicans—and certainly any investigations from anyone in any party (Mueller: Republican/Wray: Republican, Comey: Republican, etc. ) —as witch hunters, RINOs, and deep state actors.

I don’t make an equivalent argument because it would be just as stupid as when the MAGA/MAGA enablers do it.

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Did the personally tell you this…their intent?


Facts remain…they didn’t give a ■■■■ about classified until Trump. Biden had em for 4 decades and never even looked for em.

That is a fact.


Until Trump what?

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Pence was cleared.


We will believe that when hunter is in jail and jbiden is being indicted. The DOJ has known hunter lied on form 4473 for over three years. Punishment for that lie is up to 10 years in prison. What’s the DOJs hold up?

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Some sloppy judge think.

You all still whine about your queen hillary being investigated.

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