Biden Investigated for Classified Documents!

By Trey Gowdy :joy:?


Right, you just ignore or D⁶ away your side’s malfeasance.


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Yes. Biden inadvertently packed up classified documents while he was Senator. Then years later he once again accidentally packed up classified documents when he was VP.
He had no idea there were any classified documents among his file. I mean, who checks for…

That’s ludicrous.
And when this becomes an issue with Trump he coincidentally has his lawyers move his files around and finds them.

And then tries to sneak them back into the archives without letting the DOJ know.

I don’t think you read that post carefully (or don’t care to address it) but I’m embracing this ■■■■ day and playin the gimp, anyway.

Where? I’m fine with the Biden investigation. I started a whole thread about it. If he’s indicted, we can discuss that too. You want to make all kinds of accusations against Biden, go ahead.

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Find Biden embarrassing?

History Margaret. You© always do. Of course you’re fine with the “Biden investigation”, there is zero risk of anything coming out of it.



Why is there zero risk?

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Politics. Was there any risk of Trump being removed from office from the 2 impeachments?

How could Biden’s theft of classified documents be inadvertent from his time as a Senator when Senators aren’t allowed to take the documents from the SCIF? View only.


Biden will neve be indicted as a sitting president it is his DOJ just like it wouldn’t have happened under past president’s DOJ.

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How many Senators would vote for him being out of office now?

The other difference, he was the President and could declassify whatever he liked.

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There’s a reason for that.

That’s not true. Heck some people carry classified docs around in their rucksack.


Waiting for report on how legal it was for Biden to keep those classified documents.


Was he VP or POTUS when he took those documents and does a VP have the right or was it illegal from the start? How long has he had them? Why has it taken so long? Do you think that it’s possibly to CYA for what they’re doing to Trump? How many times has Biden been investigated? Now…how about Trump?

that would be illegal. classified have to be properly ticketed and in the proper envelope and carried by an approved courier. Lying to cover for Biden will not work. Senators are NOT allowed to remove classified from the SCIF, view only. For Biden to have classifed documebts from his time as a Senator, hee had to steal them.