Biden Investigated for Classified Documents!

:joy: no.

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denial won’t change the rules, niether will your ignorance of them

That’s not true.

The FBI for example has been sitting on the document involving the influence selling of the Bidens.

Sat on it for years.

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Biden’s DOJ is infested with Dem swamp creatures.

They practice double edged “justice”. One party gets prosecuted and the other gets a pass in most cases because of the D.

They even hide evidence for them. The document Comer had to threaten Wray with contempt charges to get comes to mind.

They sat on that for years.

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Many more. Politics.

Indeed. Elections take away consequences.

It is not ignorance.

The POTUS can not declassify documents pertaining to nuclear security.

Sure he can. With his very, very large braiiiiiiiiin! :brain:

Sorry. I forgot that he has the best brain.

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Says who?

Trump has commented multiple times about his I.Q. and his brain. Not hard to find on Google.

What does that have to do with you saying he can’t declassify nuclear stuff?

Sorry, I was replying to another post. Regarding nuclear documents there is much information regarding the POTUS power to declassify. The basis is the Atomic Energy Act.

Lol that proves you wrong.

Yes he can, law doesn’t trump the constitution.

There’s no mention of “classification” in the Constitution.

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It doesn’t mention abortion either, but that hasn’t stopped the baby killers from saying that peoples constitutional rights are being stripped.

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From the article:

There are numerous other statutory and regulatory restrictions that prohibited Trump from doing what he now claims to have done, including restricting the power to declassify any documents containing information relating to nuclear weapons and intelligence agents.

Tapes? You like tapes?