Biden Investigated for Classified Documents!

You guys keep using tape…. As if you know what’s on it. Or as if it’s not just like the pee pee tape.

Doesn’t even register. It’s amazing.

Where there is smoke, there is fire. Or, in lib land, where there is smoke there must be dry ice around somewhere.


How you think or how you reach your conclusions has nothing to do with your claim that you know what the earmarks of money laundering are.

By the way i have no idea what the earmarks of money laundering are.

Right. Unless it’s a Republican. Then discernment seems to give way to excuses

The difference being i haven’t actually defended Biden once in this exchange

Because for all i know the evidence that so far exists is just the tip of an iceberg. But convicting people even in opinion based forum based on partisanship and punditry is silly.

I guess that explains your stance and your stance against mine.

Where did you learn them?

Throughout over 30 years in business. You learn to pick up a thing or two :woman_shrugging:

Edit to add: Or you could just google it to learn about it.

That’s the problem with googling and experience.

In order to actually learn about it you have to actually research it or engage in it or prosecute it or be an investigator of it.

Money laundering is a specific criminal act.

There is a myriad of ways that it can be executed.

Being 30 years in business gives you a lot of common sense about a lot of things but it doesn’t give you experience with money laundering. Though i am sure that somewhere along the line there were warnings what not to do with operating accounts so as not to make it seem like money laundering. That’s a plausible basis though still not enough to reach over arching conclusions imo.

Unless i don’t know something. I am so kidding about that last part :grin:

Yes, taking money illegally obtained and transferring it to a legitimate purchase. I’m sure there are countless clever ways to do it. But, that is the bare-bones bottom line.

When do we get to HEAR THE TAPES?

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I’m still waiting on Michelle’s whitey tapes

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Have to rename you…Speakwithforktongue. :wink:


Let’s not forget the pee tape! :laughing:


Who told you?!?! :smiling_imp:


I suppose the bribes from foreign countries were inadvertent as well???

The libs and rino’s strain at a gnat when it comes to Trump and happily swallow a camel when it comes to Brandon. :roll_eyes:

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Any relation to Pocahontas Warren? :grinning:

They impeached Trump over a phone call…asking about the possibility of Ukraine digging into potential bribes being given to the Biden’s. “President Donald Trump asked Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky to “look into” former Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter, according to a White House memorandum of a July phone call released Wednesday.

“There’s a lot of talk about Biden’s son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that, so whatever you can do with the attorney general would be great,” Trump said in the July 25 call, according to the memo. “Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution, so if you can look into it, It sounds horrible to me.”.

Apparently Trump was right.


Mark these…CLASSIFIED!!

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We just know it to be true now :joy: