Biden hits new high in popularity

If Trump was responsible for all the steps and time it takes to develop and bring a vaccine to market, you would have a valid point.

We could discuss all the steps and time it takes but that is not necessary. The fact is for whatever reasons, good or bad, that have been enacted before a pharmaceutical company can develop and bring a vaccine to market, those reasons ARE in place, and they would have prevented the availability of a vaccine for years. Donald Trump is directly responsible for cutting those steps and reducing the time so that a life saving vaccine could go from development to market in less than a year.

This truth is obvious by the way your Lib Overlords tried to discredit Trump’s hand in the process by casting doubt on its safety BECAUSE it was developed so fast. All through the campaign the Overlords were claiming “it isn’t safe” or “I won’t take it because of Trump!” Now that it’s ready to go, suddenly Trump had nothing to do with it??

What the hell is wrong with you people??


Biggest news I’ve heard about him is spraining his ankle while supposedly playing with his dog. :wink:

I prefer “Thief in Chief” Biden. (and Comrade Kamala)

You mean “SENILITY” is the new black.


And yet he still beat Trump.

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Jbiden already said he is.

Hey, let’s make a deal. I’ll call it the Trump vaccine from here on out, even though it was developed by private industry.

You will have to refer to it as the Trump pandemic because if his failed leadership.

Other than that I’ll just call it the COVID pandemic and COVID vaccine like most other Americans.

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How about it didn’t originate with Trump but rather Biden’s best friend, China.

Trump reacted to it by paving the way to have a vaccine developed in under a year.

Biden would still be sticking a wet finger in the wind to see which way the wind would benefit him.

Kudo’s to private industry. Shows what common sense vs. onerous regulations can do.


■■■■■■■■■ The fraud primarily consisted of millions of illegal ballots mixed in with millions of legal ballots. Like a needle in a haystack, it’s near impossible, in such a short time to find them. Especially given that Democrats who were responsible for the fraud are the same people in charge of finding it! There are hundreds of signed afidavits from every battleground state attesting to fraud and irregularities of all kinds. The officials in Wayne county Michigan rescinded their certification because of fraud and Governor Witless knows it, but that won’t stop the steal from happening.

The same thing is already set up in Georgia to allow Democrats to steal the Senate too…

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I understand. It was tempting to relive Hillary for a while in 2017, too.

Mod Note

This is not the voting fraud thread. Stay on topic.

Biden inherited the cure for the world pandemic mess. After the vaccine is released through the same pharmacies that provide flu shots, I am waiting to see the claim that the “Biden Plan” saved us.

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They do. And you won’t like the consequences of this one. You are not immune to idiotic liberal policies.

Right? I might be tempted to watch CNN just to see them praise Biden for saving the world. :joy:


He won with Jbiden. Got the big government dem they live.

Unfortunately, Jbiden isn’t driving the train.

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As a fiscal conservative, if he doubles the deficit like Trump did (before Covid), I won’t like that.

As a fiscal conservative I don’t care anymore. Why bother when no politician has made any serious attempt at debt reduction in the past 50 years? If they don’t care, I’m not going to waste my time caring.


It cannot be stressed enough that Trump could have swept to a crushing election victory simply by letting the CDC and the rest of HHS just do what they’re supposed to do and make a speech about suffering and America will overcome once every week or two.

What did he keep them from doing?


That would you be definition not a fiscal conservative. This is my shocked face.