Biden hits new high in popularity



I know you guys are all in on this “we spent hundreds of billions on HHS and CDC as an elaborate practical joke never to be used” schtick but a pandemic response was always suppose to be federalized with CDC as the lead agency. This is like their literal mission statement.

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I like it. Hence forth i am going with that as his certain disaster will unfold.

CDC and Papa Fauci were the lead agency.


I don’t have any children so I really don’t have to care, but I do anyway.
I assume you don’t have children either.

I didn’t see an answer. Question still stands. This is like the letteral question.

What did he keep them from doing?

Intimating to his fellow elderly that they were cannon fodder for the economy peeled a lot of them out of that base.

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Trump’s whining like a you know what is obviously fueling his decline and probably helping boost Biden.


Oh well things are SO much better in Central America! :roll_eyes:

And why aren’t they staying in MEXICO, given that they have to cross the entire country to get here??

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100%. YES. The GOP seems to have a better understanding that public opinion is dynamic and malleable. A figure like Trump can do all kinds of shaping and changing: the Iraq war, fiscal responsibility, globalism, free-trade, etc, Healthcare was like this, too: if he could have somehow managed his pathologies, he could have smoke-machined his way to a revision of the ACA and taken all kinds of credit for healthcare. Instead, he reverted to his con-man mean: promising everything, endlessly teasing the imminent arrival of . . . nothing.

In contrast, looks at the Democrats with something like Medicare for All. Rather than saying, Hey, we have to cautiously move in increments and negotiate with ourselves pointless because someone will yell “socialism” or whatever, they should be actively engaging and shaping public opinion toward legislative changes. You know, politics.

He hasn’t taken office. Are we planning on blaming Biden already? I’ll be ready to listen for blame on Biden on deficit and debt.


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Undermining their message.


If you complained about trump not being magnanimous, gracious, modest and willing to share credit than you should be first in line thanking trump for the vaccine.
You also should be the first to condemn biden when he tries to take the credit for something he had no part in.
If we don’t see you taking biden to task for stealing credit for work he had no part in than we will know that your complaining about trump was nothing more than party before country partisan crap.


:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: Which message?

Option one: Since the vaccine will be available and distribution will be well under way, all that will be left is to take credit for doing nothing. Maybe he will get a Nobel Prize for doing nothing like Obama did his first month in office.

Option two: do something deliberately stupid or accidentally in senility to delay the vaccine, and then use that as an excuse to enact his lockdowns which will destroy what’s left of the economy.

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When this all first became very serious, I was convinced that Trump had the election in the bag. All he had to do what any empathetic human being or even sociopath pretending to be an empathetic human being would have done as president: treat it like a grave issue and act sympathetic to the victims.

Instead, he seemed weirdly resentful that the virus was getting more headlines than him and we got this. It cannot be overstated how this election loss was Trump shooting himself in the foot because of his pathological narcissism.

Masks, of course.

If he went along with masks, I’d be crying right now about trumps second term, lucky for me. He went by his gut which of course was wrong. Never listen to the experts, when you are a so-called expert yourself.



Than I’m sure you will not thank biden when he tries to take credit for something he had no part in getting done and approved?
Because no one should praise biden and shower biden with love for something he had no part in.

Stealing isn’t beating…

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