Biden DUI No felony No Deportation

America. Membership has its privileges.

THAT is what I will be looking at.

There is NO WAY they can support him based on this.


No laws are enforced 100%. It is a return on investment question.

He’s on his way unless Sanders comes out strong

It should be no surprise he is on tape the other day saying illegals should be insured…

It’s as if they are not paying attention what’s happening to the pro illegal migration candidates in elections throughout the west.

Joe Biden’s opinion is not always fact, and while there are Permanent Green Cards, felony convictions can make the holder eligible for deportation.

Looks like Federal Law with regards to permanent Green Card holders differs markedly with Biden’s opinion.

Matt Gaetz is laughing.

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In WI, the first OWI is considered a traffic violation. Can’t be reporting undocumented folks for traffic tickets in this great state.

What the hell? Simply being here illegally is lawful grounds for deportation whether they ever commit a crime or not while in the US.

They have no right to be here period and by driving UTI they are endangering the lives and safety of everyone they encounter.

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Secure the border and increase all the resources ICE needs for interior enforcement.

Surrender is not a path to victory.

I’m just gonna assume you missed this part…where I agree that they are here illegally and get deported regardless of crime committed.

How ya miss that?

I didn’t miss it, you dismissed DUI as grounds for deportation unless we stiffen the penalties on those legally present.

Democrats keep making excuses for letting illegals stay as long as they haven’t committed certain crimes.

I was on a soap box talking about a white guy charged with Dui almost always gets it plead down. I don’t think that is right.

And you’re wrong. DUI’s are almost always misdemeanors unless you have multiple prior convictions for same.

Whatever. The day you actually ever show any deference or give any credence to anything someone says…with out coming back with I’m right your wrong is the day I vote FOR Trump.

It’s just pathetic to even try with you.


You were simply wrong, just man up, admit it, and move on.

The point is you post your certain correctness to every issue. Regardless of whether someone is basically agreeing with you…which I was. But you find that one little part of the whole you disagree with, and argue that. So C-ya…im out. Don’t try to drag me back in.

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You were wrong and now you’re throwing a tantrum because I pointed it out.

Get over it.

Not for deportation purposes.