Biden DUI No felony No Deportation

I think he’s just pandering because his support is so low among minority voters.

To me, DUI is very serious. But I think this is a case where each state sets the standards for criminality.

I now know why Bloomberg entered into the race. I believe that he has a bit better chance at beating Trump than Biden.

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Glad you brought this angle up.

This makes the statement even more problematic since he has suffered terrible loss in a vehicular homicide.

I don’t understand why he claimed the driver was impaired. I need to look at this.

Good post!


If there was any understanding of the law and the court system here by board members. Most DUI’s even multiple offenses are plea bargained down to a misdemeanor conviction, and thus would not be a felony. Biden probably doesn’t defend Drunk Driving as a felony because he knows if it ever happened or had happened, he’d plea it down to a misdemeanor and thus, true…it would not be a felony.

It is largely the system that allows him to get away with this. They aren’t going to spend a lot of time and money and effort on sending a DUI conviction to jail. At best, they get a suspended license for 6 months to a year and that’s supposed to solve the problem.

Then a tough stance on DUI needs to be taken across the board and in the American Judicial system, it just isn’t seen as a serious offense. My sister is an attorney and see’s DUI plead down to misdemeanors all the time.

No argument there. Generally DUI has been take more seriously.

That is why the Biden comment caught me by surprise. It is a considerable step backward.

Deportation is a good solution for the offender and to lessen US jail population.


Only problem with that is that you are asking the judicial system to make a concerted effort to treat people differently. If you are going to say this illegal person got a DUI so we need to deport him or her because of the DUI, then Citizens need to be held to a higher standard of consequences for DUI as well.

Why not just say, Illegal person you committed a crime, violated a law. You were in custody and found to be in the country illegally, We will drop charges against you, but you are here illegally therefore we are deporting you.

Problem solved! OR IS IT. Illegals often just find their way back. The immigration system needs to be better.

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Matt Geatz’s constituents disagree

And yet you will find posters saying “its just made up that Democrats are for open borders”.
If you aren’t going to enforce immigration laws, you are for open borders.

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Each state determines if DUI is a felony. There is nothing in our immigration laws granting residency to illegals if they have not committed a crime. That is an irrelevancy as far as the law is concerned.
Application of his position should be more of an impeachable offense than anything Trump is accused of.

The Kid Sniffer’s late friend Robert KKK Byrd used to keep a pocket sized edition of the Constitution on him so he could drive as drunk as he wanted. Perhaps he just misses the good ol’ days with his good ol’ boys.

Well, he did brag about getting along well with segregationists.

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Kid Sniffer brags, libs defend. :man_shrugging:

You defend Trump.

You lose.:wink:

BTW, for the record, I disagree regardless if it is considered a felony. They are convicted of a crime…deport them.

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I’ll bet Mothers Against Drunk Drivers will support ole Joe soundly?

Sorry, I wasn’t clear in my response. I meant DUI in general. In my opinion, anyone caught with a DUI without legal immigration status should get a ride to the border and sent to the other (non-US) side of it.

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In Wisconsin the first 3 or 4 are just traffic violations, no different than speeding.

Republicans are owned by the Tavern League and have no intention of changing that.
