Biden DUI No felony No Deportation

You’ve done it twice in the time I’ve known you off hand…

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They have a right to be here just as much as you do.
People arent more special because they where born in certain place over another.

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I think the issue needs to be changing DUI laws, not whether Biden would take it upon himself to “count it as one”. Making it a felony should take away any wiggle room on whether or not it as an appropriate a reason for deportation. If someone is here illegally and is convicted of a felony, they should be gone. Period.

Try that in Mexico.

Okie dokie…

And illegal had as much right to be in the country as a citizen? I probably read that wrong searching through the replies.

If someone is here illegally they should be gone. Period.

I’m sure he meant that everyone has an equal right to be in the country of which they are a citizen.

I agree with him then, spot on :+1: