Biden celebrates a full year of the two-weeks-to-flatten-the-curve lockdowns

Since you don’t seem to understand the word clarivoyant. “having or exhibiting an ability to perceive events in the future or beyond normal sensory contact.”

You personally asked for a mask mandate early on who even Fauci said was not needed yet you expected Trump to do it. Fauci was wrong and you say he didn’t have enough information but you still expected Trump to order it. Remember 2 weeks to flatten the curve, yet you blame Trump it was worse then that. There was studies out showing 500k then 300k then 100 k then back up to 300k deaths and Blame seems to rest on Trump because he didn’t believe the first one.

I know, now go on with your deflectiond and trying to nit pick words as you always do without providing any proof.

Plus… any President would have done that. It is a no brainer. It is the ONE thing he did right on the pandemic… but to construct a savior complex around it is stupid.

What so-called conservatives see in the orange troll that warrants their fanatical loyalty is beyond my comprehension.

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■■■■■■■■■ Biden: WILMINGTON, Del. — Joe Biden on Wednesday expressed reservations about whether a coronavirus vaccine approved by the Trump administration would be safe, raising doubts about the president’s ability to put the health of Americans before politics.

He would not have pushed like Trump did.


Well, there was the money you mentioned as well as instruction to the FDA to expedite approval. Therefore, a modern medicine miracle occurred resulting in vaccine within mere weeks: the previous record was four years.

I think Trump does deserve credit here.

First of all, when did I personally ask for a mask mandate in March or “early on”? Link to the post please.

As for the rest, not even Fauci believed we’d arrest the curve in 15 days. He said so at the time.

No one got on Trump for “not predicting how bad it would be”.

What they got on Trump for was thinking all he had to do was impose a travel ban and then wish the virus away and all would be well.

Meanwhile testing was floundering so we had no way of knowing how many real virus cases we had in this country…there was no coordinated strategy in place to ramp up to respond…everything was thrown together piecemeal and then left to the states, mostly.

Trump literally crossed off one item on the list and then sat back and patted himself on the back until what was going on in early March forced his hand.

No one expected him to know things other experts didn’t already know.

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All you had to do was look in the link I provided but I guess before you can see, you’ll have to do the impossible first and remove the arrogance blinding you?

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But arguably, he would not have had to, having not bungled the response in the preceding months

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Of course he would have.

Trump pushed the vaccine for political advantage… not for the American people.

Remember when he accused Pfizer in delaying it’s announcement of efficacy until after the election? an accusation made because of … reasons?

Biden said “I trust vaccines. I trust scientists. But I don’t trust Donald Trump”

Trump is not trustworthy. Period.


And there you go as predicted.

That lost month of testing was really harmful.

I don’t blame Trump for the initial mess with the CDC test. That isn’t his fault. His failure to fix it in an expedient manner… that is totally on him.


Sure it is. Trump didn’t fix the CDC test. Listen to yourself.


Well, I would characterize Trump’s response as “criminally negligent”, but if the best you’ve got is “ridiculous”, that’ll do.

You are mixing two unlike things.

What did Trump neglect to do?

“You have 15 people, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero”

We should thank this person. :roll_eyes:

There were logistics problems with the test that was hampered by red tape. it literally needed to drop the third part of the test that was fouling the results. The first two parts were more than adequate to determine a result… so why would that take a month to clear up?

Cutting that red tape would have immediately fixed the problem.

But the thing is that Trump didn’t want testing to expand.

He said that testing makes us look bad.

One of the things is he neglected to put people that knew what they were doing in charge of procuring PPE and instead had his idiot son in law run parallel response that was pretty much a scam to benefit Trump allies.

Why do you always do this?


How did Trump “push” the development of the European COVID-19 vaccine?