Biden celebrates a full year of the two-weeks-to-flatten-the-curve lockdowns

Looks like someone needs some attention and addaration…Must be tough going cold turkey.

Is it reasonable to give credit to Trump for the development of a vaccine and excuse Trump from any problems with testing?

I knew the study was there.

I believe in linking source material, not opinion pieces where the author admits he doesn’t have the critical capabilities to analyze the studies.

Which is why I asked two things of you…

…link the primary source (the study)

…do a critical analysis of the study to show you are capable of doing so and therefore can render a judgement as to whether the study is good or not.

Then we can have a discussion on it.

My ask was pretty clear…not sure why you’re having trouble with it.

Maybe you don’t understand why I’m asking this?

Nope… not at all.

He did one thing right. He should be lauded for that. That doesn’t excuse all the other stuff he really ■■■■■■ up.

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How did such a man baby become so popular?

When I was a kid we didn’t need Joe Rogan, because we had friend’s pothead older brothers who had black lights in their rooms and would tell you how Mayans invented cellphone.

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Also, sure, let’s talk about y’all’s takes on COVID on this date a year ago.

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Why is shot in quotations?

No there wasn’t.

Oh horse swallop. The problems with PPE were local. Waiting on someone to do it for them.

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Yea. It was 100% was.

It took a month to clear up.

Why would such a simple solution to the problem take so long?

Project Airbridge was a clown show and in the end a grift.

On brand really.

No there wasn’t. The CDC and Fauci screwed every bit of that up and there was nothing Trump could do. They were all blaming and shedding liability.

Because that’s the way bureaucracies work. They are so worried about following the process they forget to achieve the mission.

Why did it take a month to get J&J approved for emergency use?

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Ignore the WHO guy he was talking to.

You have a fundamental lack of understanding of a lot of things. And you make a lot of assumptions to confirm your bias.

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And pretend they are smarter than Joe Rogan.


Oh boy. Speaking of bias.

When Trump stepped in…a month after the problems with developing the test first started…it was fixed. Just like that.

Because it wasn’t a science or technical issue…it was an operational issue.

So yes…he could have fixed it…had he been looped into the process earlier.

But part of the systems failure is one couldn’t get the President’s attention because COVID wasn’t a problem he wanted to focus on.

The reason Obama created a pandemic response group with a leader who sat on the NSA was because he recognized this “fog” that would develop in the Oval Office because Presidents tend to focus on things they want to focus on, and ignore everything else.

He recognized the utility of having “fog piercers” whose sole purpose was to get the President to focus on emergencies that fell outside his area of focus…emergencies he “wouldn’t see” otherwise.

Taking the pandemic guy off the NSA was stupid. Maybe he still wouldn’t have gotten Trump’s attention, but he certainly wasn’t going to get his attention by being removed outside of Trump’s immediate circle.

And with the currents assault on Asian-Americans, it’s especially disgusting.