Biden Announces Re-election Bid

Another brilliant move by Team Biden, trying to fill a position that no one on the left is qualified for.

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In 2020 i suggested George Clooney could be the New Face of the Democrat party. It’s looking more likely every day.


might as well be. as time goes on I realize more and more how little Democrats actually care about who is on the ticket

they just depend on the “system” to keep the opposition away

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The left may dream of cloony but this is the actual face of the left.



If the Dems lose, many of those military aged men and women they have aided and abetted to breach the border will be activated to terrorism
disguised as MAGA revolutionaries, so they can keep power out of MAGA republican hands.

In fact, they may do that even if the Dems manage to record enough ballots to win, in order to crush any chance of further growth in MAGA support or election auditing.

Their prime aim is to weaken the US as much as possible as soon as possible. Deplete US arms supplies. Deplete US coffers. Deplete US international credibility. Deplete US oil reserves and energy production. Deplete US military morale. Deplete US citizens’ morale. Deplete US food production…

He better hire a conservative meme manager, cause libs can’t meme. :wink:


There are some meme masters on this board who might think about applying. $85k is a pretty nice salary.

Hmm, these days ? not really, lol

I’ll do it though as long as I get pension :person_raising_hand:

Yeah … and for no more than five months work.

I wonder if @SixFoot has heard about this. :wink:

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Where do you live? $85k is well above the median salary in every state.

ehh i was mostly joking.

I thought maybe you had very expensive tastes.

Ask for qualified immunity too.

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:point_up_2: Libspeak for “I was wrong.” :wink:

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There isn’t a Meme Master on Earf that could help him look better. :rofl:


Alex Jones… is that you?

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That’s true!


I wasn’t thinking about you making him look better. :wink: